3 week old plants, leafs drying out at the tips?

BC Budz87

So Im growing some Northern Lights strain and they are just past 3 week mark. I was watering them yesterday and noticed the tips of the leafs, 'mainly bottom leafs' are turning brown and drying out to a crisp on the tips of the leaves. Its not too bad yet but if I dont figure it out now and fix it, it will just get worse. I havent used any nutes yet except for some time release nutes that you mix into the top 2 cm of the dirt, the NPK is 16-9-12, I heard this should not be used so I will just scim surface of dirt here today and get out all those nute balls I put in. Im not sure if that is the problem or not but I usually let my water sit open for day or 2, but the other day they needed to be watered and I hadent refilled the water jug so I had to feed them straight from tap, so im even wondering if it could be pH problem? Anyways, any body here who has had this problem and found a way to fix it, I would like to hear what your solutions were for this. Like I said, they just started crisping out at the tip of mainly the bottom leaves and the odd yellow colour on a leaf, I water pretty much every 2nd day, I have perlite and vermiculite in my soil so it seems to dry out rather fast because of that but I dont think im overwatering. I always weight the pot and test for soil dryness for watering so, who knows, any solution be sweet. Thx bro's :joint:

BC Budz87

I know those pics suck, hard to even see it in person but the tips of the leafs are jst starting to dry out, nothin MAJOR yet but I just wanna fix sooner rather than later. Maybe a watering issue or pH problem? Nute problem possibly? Im not sure, only my 2nd grow and the 1st one died because we had such a hot summer and I didnt have proper A/C or anything. So def still noob at this lol. Any solutions, I'll take any! haha:leaf:



Well-Known Member
that is a pretty high N ratio..flush with three times the volume of the container with water..then add garden lime to the top soil and flush the garden lime through..alot of chemical fertalizers that are salt based. that would be almost all of them lower PH..the lime will raise the PH of the soil but it will not go over 7..good luck

BC Budz87

that is a pretty high N ratio..flush with three times the volume of the container with water..then add garden lime to the top soil and flush the garden lime through..alot of chemical fertalizers that are salt based. that would be almost all of them lower PH..the lime will raise the PH of the soil but it will not go over 7..good luck
So you think its a pH issue then? Water i feed should be neutral because i let it sit for couple days but first time I did straight from the tap is when I noticed the drying out on some leaves. I will try and and fix the ph, I have a new ph meter coming in the mail. Sure will help lots. If it isnt pH, anyone else have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
from now on just add plenty of lime to your soil and you will not have a PH issue...with the new PH pen coming in the mail you will be able to check your water run off PH..then you will know for sure..but PH is the cause of ALOT of problems..


Well-Known Member
Im growing NL X Skunk and my plant is also at 3 weeks and I just had the same problem. lol. I'm growing in FFOF and watering with distilled water so the PH is 7. I just added a really low dose of nutes to my water like 1/8 nutes and my plants started growing faster and the dry cracking tips of the leaves stopped. I think adding nutes was the right thing. We're at the 3 week mark anyway which is when you should start adding nutes. This was my thread about the same problem https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/308320-help-whats-wrong-my-plant.html


Well-Known Member
ive never had any problems with my plants in PHed soil and decent dirt. it shouldnt need ANY nutes at week three.if there is another problem and you add nutes to it you will screw up your baby. flush...check PH run off ..lime soil ..the very VERY first things you should do. if still no results in a few days then NUTE.

BC Budz87

ive never had any problems with my plants in PHed soil and decent dirt. it shouldnt need ANY nutes at week three.if there is another problem and you add nutes to it you will screw up your baby. flush...check PH run off ..lime soil ..the very VERY first things you should do. if still no results in a few days then NUTE.
I'll look into the lime, thanks. Ya the drying out hasnt seem to progress that much at all since I posted this. It happened right after I watered with tap water. But after watering with water thats been sitting the leafes havent dried up really at all. So that's some good news at least. I'll keep you guys updates and will post some pics here or start a new thread to show my progress. Keep it real dudes:weed:

BC Budz87

[QUOTE=garden lime is around 3 dollars at lowes home depot...for a 50 lb bag.)

Oh yea, sweet..That ain't bad hey haha. I guess I'll have to go get some now. Thanks for the info man.