3 week holiday...


Hey guys, I've got 5 babys. A 2 foot thai in the garden, 3 special queen sprouts under CFL and a half foot strawberry blue also under CFL. Problem is I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks. What can I do about watering? I have a timer for DA lightz. Also bear in mind I have no money to spend on more equiptment..Thz dman


I have kept houseplants alive for up to 10 days by watering well and then putting a clear plastic bag such as a drycleaner bag over them, but never as long as three weeks. You could try wicking by placing a reservoir of water with a rag like maybe a 3 inch strip of towling going from the water to the plant pot. The problem with that is that it takes a little experimentation to find out the width of the rag required. It's easy to flood the plant. Put the pot of water at the same level as the plant or a little lower, never higher.
There are of course drip irrigation systems but you said you had no money.
I am going away for a few days as well and I bought DriWater to use. I am also switching to CFL for the duration as I am paranoid about the heat from MH since my house burned a few years ago. Entirely my fault then, but it has made me super cautious. I won't get much grow with a few CFL but it will keep them alive for a few days.
Best of luck to you.


Damanic3-- The wicking will work, I think, for the one in the garden as overwatering won't be a problem if it is in the soil. For the others try the wicking but put the pots of plants on something like screen or sticks or something over a bucket. Any overwatering can go into the bucket. Or maybe bathtub with pots slightly raised?

John Jacob

Active Member
Ive done a serious watering and cover the soil with something light proof, it'll slow down the evaporation.. if they're all under CFL you SHOULD be ok but 3 weeks is a long time. I would raise the light a little so nothing grows into it and burns the place to the ground.. really all you can do, I think the rag idea will get moldy if it was a week or ten days then u'd be good but 3 weeks.. its a lot good luck!


New Member
Get a large resivior punctur the bottom hot glue or what have you a peice of spaggetti tubing to it and attach a drip nozzle to the end....all better:idea: