3 Strain Party Cup Grow


Well-Known Member
super silver haze x blueberry = BlueDream California clone only

silver haze x blueberry = Blue Haze Netherlands the seeds from dr chronic


New Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3730837]what do you mean small? the only small plant is the SK... :neutral:

the Bk is 5 inches tall and 9 inches wide, the MBS is 5 inches and 7 inches wide...

way bigger then my last go when i flowered[/QUOTE]

AHAAHAHAHHAHAAA just hatein' on ya bro lol


New Member
sweet, right on man, I'm gonna take some pics of mine tomorow night, I got these bitches tied the fuck down and startin to get their fuzzy buds


Well-Known Member
ok well i cant get photo bucket to work, so heres just a worded update i guess :cuss:

i'll try and get pics up later or tomorrow....


well i went ahead and started 12/12 yesterday, so today is day 2.
Everything is going good, did some LSTing, my first try :mrgreen:
I used some twisty ties, took about three of them and twisted the ends together to get some length, then i burned some holes into the rims of the party cups and simply tied them down to the shape i wanted, was easier the i thought haha, they're already reaching bac up towards the light, and now everything is pretty even.

The SK is giving me some MINOR problems, like CTS said shes shy when it comes to nutes, she was fine at first, but lately you can tell she wasn't liking it, so i have been giving her nothing but water for the last couple and day, i will continue the rest of the week and see what happens, just on her older leaves towards the bottom of everything, so it should be ok for now. Im not used to having a plant that doesn't take to nutes as well, so we'll see how it works out. BK and MBS are doing just fine, the BK is PIG with the nutes and water, she always drinks alot faster then the rest, but the MBS is drinking alot more now, or lately i should say.



Active Member

I used some twisty ties, took about three of them and twisted the ends together to get some length, then i burned some holes into the rims of the party cups and simply tied them down to the shape i wanted, was easier the i thought haha, they're already reaching bac up towards the light, and now everything is pretty even.


Dude thats such a good idea with the twist ties! I totally failed yesterday using paper clips, my girls just shrugged em off, i'm totally going to try it the way u did it.


Well-Known Member
I should of taken some pics on how i did it, i will have to do that tomorrow, they are working great so far :mrgreen:


Active Member
hey how long do these strains take to flower? I just threw my party cup grow into flowering a week ago but its a 9-11 week strain... maybe we'll harvest at the same time!


[QUOTE="SICC";3735055]ok well i cant get photo bucket to work, so heres just a worded update i guess :cuss:

i'll try and get pics up later or tomorrow....


well i went ahead and started 12/12 yesterday, so today is day 2.
Everything is going good, did some LSTing, my first try :mrgreen:
I used some twisty ties, took about three of them and twisted the ends together to get some length, then i burned some holes into the rims of the party cups and simply tied them down to the shape i wanted, was easier the i thought haha, they're already reaching bac up towards the light, and now everything is pretty even.

The SK is giving me some MINOR problems, like CTS said shes shy when it comes to nutes, she was fine at first, but lately you can tell she wasn't liking it, so i have been giving her nothing but water for the last couple and day, i will continue the rest of the week and see what happens, just on her older leaves towards the bottom of everything, so it should be ok for now. Im not used to having a plant that doesn't take to nutes as well, so we'll see how it works out. BK and MBS are doing just fine, the BK is PIG with the nutes and water, she always drinks alot faster then the rest, but the MBS is drinking alot more now, or lately i should say.


I TOLD YA ABOUT HER AND NUTES BRO. now let me revisit that whole thing with tom-420 he thought he knew better then me when it came to my own strain. and how i said the truth would come out. lol if he had my sk he would have burnt it to death with nutes weeks ago lol


Well-Known Member
haha yeah well like i said, i was giving her nutes just like the others, she was fine for the what, first 4 weeks lol, then she decided that she didnt want anymore, so i stopped, its nothing major, just a light burn, hopefully photobucket will upload my damn pics, that whole paragraph of an update was supposed to be with my pics :cry:


Well-Known Member
glad ur in flower now let the beauty commence! and dnt wrry about ur update it was just as good as if u would of had pics!


Well-Known Member
yes, pics would be a pleasure. any changes since flower? i know its early, but i am the curious type! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'll try to get some pic's up tomorrow, im living up to my name and im sicc as fuc :cry: :spew:

too sicc to even smoke, god i hate my life right now, i got some kind of damn Flu, and i NEVER get sicc, maybe like once a year, so i guess its my time now, sooo shitty :(
noo dont talk like that!!! lol
haha nah but mane cant wait to see dem updates brah...
get some rest and post them up when you get tha chance.


Well-Known Member
eat lots of vitamin c and zinc, drink lots of clear fluids and get plenty of rest. take a hot bath in some epsome salts (we know you have some lol) and call me in the morning. love ya man hope you are feeling better.