3 strain 600W medical tent grow


Hey Everyone. This is my second grow. I'm a med patient and working on being perpetual and fully self sufficient. I'm cloning with aeroponics and growing in soil. I'm ALMOST organic and currently using Canna nutrients. I eventually plan on using compost tea as an alternative to bottled nutes to take it 100% organic. As it stands, my water is well water with a PH of 7.9 and a PPM of 64. I seem to have everything dialed in and might convert to aero/dwc eventually. Here's what I am working with:

I am growing 3 Orange Skunk, 2 Afgooey, and 1 Sensi Star in a 4x4 HydroHut with a 600W HPS light mounted in a Sun Systems YieldMaster II. I am keeping the tent cracked a little until I get a fan and duct system for the hood since it's been in an open area where ventilation was not a problem. I plan on replacing that hood with a Magnum XXL in the next week and moving it to a 2x4 tent with a 400W MH/HPS switchable ballast for veg. I'll also use that tent as a backup flower tent when cleaning the other tent, as well as another flower tent when needed. I have a 3rd tent that houses my DIY aerocloner and a small floro light.

Right now, the plants are just under 10 days into flower:

Thread is open for business. I'll update it when new additions are added or changes made. Eventually I will be replacing my current strains with different ones and keeping a couple mothers for them.