3 Plant CFL


Well-Known Member
Oh no I'm on everything. That's not a good thing. It means I have too much time on my hands. I guess I had been posting a lot in the cfl forum. This Thread was meant to die. I was just saying goodbye to DO3. We started at the same time but he's not going to finish I don't think. Good bye " Three Plant CFL ".


that was to mid amber..ive been lurkin riu for long time and learnd alot from him..any way you can never post too much learn learn learn and grow grow grow:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Reminder my grow is in an apartment closet , heat & noise is an issue but its been solved.
After much experimenting the T5 are by far Superior over the CFL's so far. and if you grow right can be just as good as hps
before IMG_0018.jpgIMG_0019.jpg
before revised IMG_0044.jpg
now with a tent & T5IMG_0071.jpgIMG_0077.jpgIMG_0073.jpgIMG_0074.jpgIMG_0075.jpgIMG_0076.jpgIMG_0064.jpgIMG_0063.jpg


Well-Known Member
IT'S ALIVE!! IT'S ALIVE.. Sorry DO3 my man but I thought your baby had moved on. She had a rough period and you did not post in over a month so I feared the worst. Way to climb back into things!! I also notice some cups in your pic!! Watcha got in those? Very cool rebound budski!


Active Member
Get some scissors and cut a beer can, works good, just be sure and poke hole or 2 in bottom and watch for sharp ass metal!


Well-Known Member
Good idea but the volume of the solo cup and can. Are different and that means transplanting times are different


Everything is looking good! I was curious though what you do to deal with the smell? I am also growing in an apartment and my plants arent smelly yet but soon they will be and im a little paranoid about it.


Well-Known Member
I do have a scrubber but I'm too lazy to buy another fan to hook it up. Smell hasn't been a problem since myself and my neighbor smokes. But I still don't want him knowing about growing. What kind of setup are you working with? I could give you some options


Its my first grow so its not big. Just 3 plants flowering right now w/ 4 buls, around 175 watts. Its just in my closet not in a tent or anything. My landlord doesnt come ever to my unit but he is often here gardening or fixing something up. So if my apartment smelled like bud its not a big deal but i cannot let the smell reach outside.