3 mos not flowering


Well-Known Member
i got a smurfberry growing 3 mos now 31/2 ft tall after i topped...dang these plant hasnt flowered yet not even showing any signs of sex for that matter, i would really hope it would flower sooner before things would hurt ma plant. i just trimed the leaves for spidermites infestation and spraying it woth citronella oil which i wouldnt advised for anyone who would be frustrated killin the mites. Thank God its gettin back and new sets of leaves are doing better. is there a way i can get these to flower outdoor soon?


Well-Known Member
nothing advanced about this question if your outdoors you are waiting for mother nature to flip the lights end of august or first of sept if your in the US

You could take em inside (if they are in pots) to simulate the 12 hour dark period or you can cover them but that can cause issues


Well-Known Member
start feeding your flowering neuts that can sometimes help them start but otherwise if there out side then basically you gotta wait til the end of july