3 months.How are they doing?


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

I started with 5 Plants in this closet.
1 white widow,2 northern lights and 2 black domina.
1 white widow and 1 northern lights remained female.

They did not like the CFL's one bit but once i upgraded,they exploded!

They have gone through 1 month seedling,1 month veg and 1 month flowering.

They are huge.
They are taller then me,nearing 2 meter's.(6 feet.)
I only topped one of them to see the difference.
Not allot of pruning has been done.

-400w hps/MH
-3 gallong grow bags.
-fox farms oceans forest and perlite mix.
-Fox farms line of nutes.
-premium flower overdrive nutrients.
-they have perfect temp control.Temps never reached 50F. or 80F.
-Humidity has been between 45% and 60%.But august and september are alwyas so dry.so it has been about 30% for the past few weeks.
(no mold problems here :D!)

Do they look alright?

They have been flowering for a month now but i'm wondering why the cola's look so thin and small.

Please post your thoughts about them and improvements i could make.
How much longer do u think?
I know u guys hate this but please give me a rough yield estimate.

My turtles are saying hello!

Thanks guys!

They belong in 5 gallon growbags,i know but i don't want them to get taller



Well-Known Member
I have one of those big air temp and ventilation contraptions in my room.
I exhaust the air with a cooltube through the window.
I love this thing.

I have no light leaks(Covered the window).during it's night cycle,it is pitch black.Not a single spek of light.


Well-Known Member
Those plants look reallly sativa for NL and widow. Where did you buy the seeds?

They look good tho, keep up the good work <3


Well-Known Member
^I was thinking the exact same thing.
I bought them from Nirvana.
Only 1 out of 5 white widow seeds germed...They were germed under optimum conditions.


Well-Known Member
You might as well not even be growing 75% of those plants, the bulk is so far away from the light.

You should pinch the main stems right above the fat part of the plants until it'll fall over without breaking, pinch hard many many times until it crinkles easily then bend the tops over, and move the light however many ____feet___ closer that will allow and then your yield will more than quadruple. The tops will grow even better than before and the rest of the plants will take the fuck off.

It's not too late!!!!

Your light position is the worst possible, you should end up with the shelf out and the light mounted below where the shelf is now. A 400w light has no business hovering up around the ceiling like that and should be down within 10" of the bulk of the plant. The stems won't break if done right and the plants will just thank you many many times over in return. You will find NOBODY running a light up on the ceiling like that, and for good reason, you're wasting 90% or more of it's energy. Hold the palm of your hand 10" away from the bulb, that's the light your whole plant should get. Now hold your hand out where the plants are fattest. See how much less that is?


Well-Known Member
I just don't want the HPS to burn them.
Still don't undersand.
Any help?

I have the light 9" away from the tops.
I can adjust the light's height with this spring thing.
The plants got so tall that i had to move it up to the ceiling inorder not to burn them.


Well-Known Member
i see what oregon meant - the lower part of your plant won;t produce much bud - but it may be too late in the grow - unless you tie down or bend those two large colas. personally, i would just grow out the two colas at this point unless you feel really comfortable about manipulating the plant.

a less stressful option for this grow is to take those cfl's you were using and put them on the sides of your plants.

come on, yield is a guess. if you want a guess mine would be 2 -4 ounces.


Well-Known Member
how should i go about bending the 3 cola's as they are a little more then 6 feet tall.
A more detailed description then oregon's?

-Ive added 1 set of 2 4' 40w tube fluorescents. I layed it vertical so i goes allong the plant.

Will i still be happy with my yield?
Do they look ok?

Stupid fucking me,not topping them!!!!
Well,mistakes happen for a reason.


Well-Known Member
wow.. they are root bound, which is making the stretch, or you are not feeding them enough water.. my friend just went through the same exact thing, and that was because of all the above mentioned things..

lights are cool.. you shouldnt have a prb.. everything else sounded fine, but it look like rootbound to me.. i mean, if you didnt want them to grow bigger, you should have pruned them back, or started flowering earlier... a good rule of thumb is if the plant is whatever size, it will be double when its done...

root bound doesnt just stop them from getting bigger, it also causes major stretching and very stringy buds


Well-Known Member
on top of that, your light is WAY too far away, making them stretch even further.. next time grow more plants, but grow them smaller, and get that light closer.. the further you move the light away, the less lumens get to the plant


Well-Known Member
you will not be happy with your yield.. they will be very stringy buds.. sorry... they are WAY too big for what you are doing...


Well-Known Member
Alright,well you guys just put me in extreme panic mode!!

What do i do?

Would all this work?
-Tiying the bitches down
-bigger pots.
-lowering the lights.
How far should i lower the light?

Is it too late??!?!

I have been working my ass off for the past 3 months for them.I don't want everything to be a waste :( .


Well-Known Member
Alright,well you guys just put me in extreme panic mode!!

What do i do?

Would all this work?
-Tiying the bitches down
-bigger pots.
-lowering the lights.
How far should i lower the light?

Is it too late??!?!

I have been working my ass off for the past 3 months for them.I don't want everything to be a waste :( .
don't ruin all of the good work you;ve done trying to fix something too late. you will get some bud if you keep going as you are but you could ruin everything with a quick fix done wrong.

personally,i'd add the cfl's, grow the main colas out, bending them only if necessary. if rootbound they won;t grow too tall.

and yes, top next time. i did that and ended up with 10 colas at the top of the canopy.


Well-Known Member
its too late now.. they are already flowering.. if you transplant, they will die, or stall and stretch..

sorry.. no offense, but you should have read a lil more before starting cause all of this could be avoided..

do this next time

start all seedlings in dixie cups...

then, after thet have developed their first few sets of leaves, transplant to at LEAST 3-5 gallon pots

get that light as close as you can, without burning the leaves.. keep a fan blowing on the light bulb so it stays cooler, in turn letting you keep it closer..

keep the plants in SEPARATE pots

let them grow to about 2 ft AT THE MOST, THEN start flowering... they will be around 4 ft when done, and a 5 gallon bucket will give them LOTS of room to spread their roots

if they get too big, then trim them down.. doing this will actually make them bushier too... NOTE: DO NOT trim when flowering.. Dont do shit but feed them and give them light when flowering

get a VERY loose, good soil mix.. I usually get a big bag of cheap, generic potting soil, and mix a few cups of Perlite in there.. it help the soil retain moisture, and it keep the soil loose.. add about 2-3 cups of perlite to each 5 gallon bucket filled with potting soil..

use a GOOD nutrient product for them.. I personally like Age Old.. use it one every 2 weeks, and feed regularly with water.. to check if it need to be watered, stick your index finger in the soil.. if it is dry up to your middle joint on your hand (about 1 inch deep), then it needs to be watered.. NOTE: Make sure you have something to catch excess water on the bottom of each bucket.. drill holes in the bottom of the bucket to drain.. too much water and you get root rot, and you suffocate the roots for oxygen...

that should help you get some more dense nugs.. growing a HUGE plant like that inside just doesnt work too well, with that little light.. with that same light, you could probably pull 1 oz or more off of each smaller plant.. throw 4 or 5 pots in there, and let those fuckers go to about 2 feet, and start flowering.. you will see more dense nugs faster..

if your grow is going slow, then its usually one of 2 things

1 (most common). the roots cannot get through the soil because it is too compact, effectively making the plants rootbound in the soil

2 (it DOES happen). not enough water.. stay on top of these 2 things..

one of the MOST IMPORTANT things about growing in soil, is SOIL PREP.. treat the soil right before you even start growing, and you will have better results, in a shorter period..

this is why hydro grows so fast.. it doesnt have to work its way through soil to find food.. the roots grow very freely, and you feed it exactly what it needs.. soil is nice, because it is WAY more forgiving..

hope this helps

dont get discouraged.. pretty much everyone sucks the first time.. the first time I grew, I didnt know about males, and grew 3 ozs of schwag.. lol.. live and learn, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Imagine the stems holding those top colas up are joints. Ifyou just bend them over they will snap in half but if you use the strength in your thumbs to smash the joint in one area many times eventually it'll get softer and softer until you can bend the whole joint in two without ripping the paper in half. The stems will tear a little in the vertical but as long as they are still connected and don't just break clean off they'll be perfectly fine. You pinch until you can hear it crinkle easily, until it smashes easily, until the stem is kind of stringy, until it volunteers to just fall over.

I don't know how else to describe it.

Right now the only parts of the plant receiving proper amounts of light are the very tops of those colas. This way you can bend those colas down, you can then drop the light two feet or so from the ceiling so the bulk of the plant is getting that 10" away super strong light and you'll be back in business.

I hadn't considered it being rootbound, I suppose but it's really too late to transplant.

If all this is just too scary I don't know what to tell you... Kiss that bud goodbye and just settle on a couple nice cola's and a big bag of weightless popcorn buds from the rest.

It's not too late to fix it my way.... Or, well, you could lay them down and grow them on their sides the rest of the way, probably with the addition of more light, as in 1000w more light. You have a 400w light which is really only enough to support 2' of growth well, but you now have 6' of plant with over 4' of it about to be mostly wasted space and wasted growing time.

IF those were mine I could turn those things from a few maybe one ounce colas to a couple POTENTIAL monster plants, but I would both bend the tops over and add more light.

And on top of that all the stringy bud at the bottom will now probably take an extra 3 weeks or however far you are into flowering in extra time to mature after it gets fixed. You should harvest what's mature when it's mature and give the parts that have sat in the dark whatever extra time it needs.

If you had done everything right from the start and had lights big enough to grow monsters like that you could be staring at really impressive dry weight of bud per plant, but now with the issues who knows, we could all guess differently. You almost did it right. You do have some impressively big plants there, next time you're sure to do much better. Do not try to grow trees under a single 400w next time though.


Well-Known Member
just dont do anything.. there is nothing you can do... its done.. lol.. just try again.. at least you have all the equipment, and you know what went wrong..

you want more, shorter plants... heed my advice about next time, and you will not fail


Well-Known Member
Imagine the stems holding those top colas up are joints. Ifyou just bend them over they will snap in half but if you use the strength in your thumbs to smash the joint in one area many times eventually it'll get softer and softer until you can bend the whole joint in two without ripping the paper in half.

Right now the only parts of the plant receiving proper amounts of light are the very tops of those colas. This way you can bend those colas down, you can then drop the light two feet or so from the ceiling so the bulk of the plant is getting that 10" away super strong light and you'll be back in business.

I hadn't considered it being rootbound, I suppose but it's really too late to transplant.

If all this is just too scary I don't know what to tell you... Kiss that bud goodbye and just settle on a couple nice cola's and a big bag of weightless popcorn buds from the rest.

It's not too late to fix it my way.... Or, well, you could lay them down and grow them on their sides the rest of the way, probably with the addition of more light, as in 1000w more light. You have a 400w light which is really only enough to support 2' of growth well, but you now have 6' of plant with over 4' of it about to be mostly wasted space and growing time.
oregon, i agree your suggestion would work but would not recommend it for a noobie on his first grow with almost all of his potential yield in those two colas. rather get a moderate harvest from a couple of large colas than practically nothing if he blows it.


Well-Known Member
What I'm suggesting is not really that difficult, I don't think.

Even just breaking those colas off and then dropping the light and adding 3 weeks to flowering would yield more. I don't see a risk of getting nothing, even taking a chainsaw and cutting the plants clean in half won't kill them and wouldn't give him nothing, not if he flowers from now on for the main part of the plant with the light lower. At most he risks what's taken 3 weeks to mature so far on the tops, which aint much considering...

It would be a shame if you never get to see what can come off a plant that size.

Or hell, you can harvest the colas when they're ready, then drop the light, then get a second harvest as the popcorn on the bottom fills out and matures later.


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest some Low stress training. Its worked wonders for me and i didnt start it until week 4 of flowering, just gently bend and tie most of the main stems over to about a 90 degree angle, probably need to do it over a couple of days not to snap them. Then lower the light as close as you can Read the grow faq on the top of the page about low stress training. Oh and get rid of the shelf.

good luck.