3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
well all of the leaves were yellow and brown completely crusty and burnt plus he told me he gave them way more nutes then i ever did, and he gave nutes to my plants that were like a week and a half old. I'll try and get some pics up later i moved them another couple inches from the light and they look alot happier now so i'm assuming it was heat stress.You say to flush with water 3 times the volume of the container but won't over watering kill them opposed to them just having a couple dead looking leaves and being stunted a bit?
I don't like to mess with folk's friendship's, however consider this: your "care taking" friend allowed that 250 get a little too up close and personal with your girls......even without pics, what you describe sounds like light burn.........I could be way off base.....just a thought.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
Well thanks for the input but i'm 100% sure that it was nute burn. Also i had them setup so that there was no way he could possibly move them closer to the lights there was nothing to elevate them with. Also i transplanted them into huge pots (not sure on the size) and they started to perk up. But i noticed when i come home from work they still droop a bit and when i wake up in the morning they look fine. Any ideas? i'll try and get some pics of what i mean to give u guys a better understanding


Active Member
does anyone know what would be causing the plants to droop at night time only? when i open the cab in the morn they look fine but when i get home from work at night before bedtime they always look droopy and sad :(


Well-Known Member
they could be just tired from a long day :) if you're not gonna veg for very much longer, perhaps you can reduce to 16/8.


Active Member
they could be just tired from a long day :) if you're not gonna veg for very much longer, perhaps you can reduce to 16/8.
Alright i changed the light schedule to 16/8 as i'll only be vegging for another few days. My plants are growing really thin leaves does anyone know what would cause them to grow this way? i've never had this problem before, they look healthy they just don't look like they're growing right. I'll post pics soon


Active Member
Do they still droop after a while in the light, or was that problem eliminated by the repotting?


Active Member
new 068.jpgnew 065.jpgnew 062.jpgnew 076.jpgnew 072.jpgnew 058.jpg

This is about 2 and a half weeks into flower, they stretched quite a bit. I'm just curious as to why my leaves are curling downwards as u can see in one of the pictures, anyone know? theyre so stiff i can bend them upwards and they stay in place lol.


Active Member
comon i know someone knows why my leaves are curling. it only seems to be the ones on the top tho, and im thinking it might be because i dont have a fan blowing across the tops its kind of underneath blowing upwards but i have a vent in the wall that i suck cold air through and push it up with my 1 fan.


Active Member
I'm also having another issue with one of my plants, its getting black spots all over the leaves and they seem to dry right up and go crispy. I looked at a defeciency table and it looks to be a late potassium deffeciency and it seems to be coming along a little slower than the other 2. Any ideas on what I should do?


Well-Known Member
i've long been searching for an answer about leaves curl like that. it happens a lot. I think it may have to do with root stress, but I'm not sure how and why. would love to hear some real advice about this (not your usual 'you're watering too much / not enough / over feeding' )

as for deficiencies, always good to flush your plant well after switching them, and start the bloom formula.