3 days into flower,need some help fellas


Well-Known Member
Don't flush...if it is over feed --- and it is --- trying to "flush" soil only makes it worse...most organic ferts or partly organic ferts have parts that have to be processed before they can be used, and to be processed they need water, so even when you are watering with plain water you are actually refeeding a soil plant...there is always something for the plant to eat in soil...so don't flush...if you are using coco then flush away, but it would be way way way easier to just water with water until the top and bottom of the plant are a uniform green color...if they continue to yellow, then you are overwatering so chill out with that too...anyway when they plants are a nice green top to at least halfway to the bottom then you can give them some bloom ferts, but lightly...no need to repeat this episode..

Most times what we think is the right dosage for veg is actually too much...in soil I get super kick ass awesome results if I leave a 2 week NO nute window before the lights to 12/12...that way the plant is possibly starting to get nitrogen hungry...so when I switch flowering it doesn't take long at all to show pistils and get started...if the plant later in flower looks like it needs nitrogen, I stop and assess what I am feeding the plant, and what things are in the soil...then I assess the actual symptoms I am seeing to see if they are normal nature scheduled leaf drop --- which is never like a huge deal, but if it is something worse than that...then I look at what I am feeding and the content, as well as what is in the soil mix to begin with, and also what I may have added that might be giving enough nitrogen to finish flowering, because towards the end of the middle of flower, right before the home stretch a lot of people have this happen again..this random overfert with nothing having been increased, and it is because as a plant nears harvest it requires less and less and less, so again sometimes you think it is a deficiency, but if you are feeding the plant anything, or have added a healthy dose of amendments to the soil, then it is probably an overage and not a deficiency...


Well-Known Member
It may also be a mag def. The stems appear to be red in color and the leaves are turning yellow with the veins remaining green. Your new growth is yellow as well. That is my best guess. I ran into this problem a couple weeks ago and they looked identicle to yours. I would add some more calmag to your tea.


Well-Known Member
A plant grown with no nutes at all start to finish can survive better than one that has had too much...but the best is when you get it just right...that is when these plants are able to shine...and it doesn't take much...I mean they do it all the time with not a damn thing..just remember this when you nute...I give my plants something maybe every 3rd or 4th water...if then..but since I have reused and re amended the same soil for 4 years I don't have nute at all, so I got some coco...and I like it too, and you can feed it everytime...but I am using a third dosage of canna nutes, every 4 days or so, with awesome results...but in soil, you can't nute and nute and nute, because most of the stuff you are adding is designed to work with the soil, so it is broken down and used every time you water after you have added it...so sometimes all plants need is water..there is no reason to force feed them nutes...and that is all inorganic nutes do...they have already broken down and chelated a lot of the minerals so they are directly available to the plant, and don't have to be broken down, but most soil nutes still have a good amount of organic compounds in them...so they still stick around in soil sometimes if you aren't giving enough plain waterings to use them up prior to adding more with the next water...I used to try to do a water feed water feed...but that wasn't working so I tried water water feed water water feed...and that sometimes didn't work either...so now I just water most of the time, and if something looks like it needs to be fed---then I feed the plants....lol. But I know that every time I water now, I am feeding...I don't know how long it will last...probably just long enough to finish..the last plants almost made it nute free to finish just off of the amendments I add in between using the soil...I am pretty sure these will make it all the way. I'll see if i can get a pic that looks alright so you can see that it is good to leave plants alone....no plant in here is past 3 weeks flower...


and this is my dog taking a nice swim in a giant mud puddle...and he is a big dog...lol.



Well-Known Member
Sorry bout the wavy weird colors...it is lights on time here...but you get the point..and the ones that are curly is a strain that curls over if I feed it at all..I wanted to veg a clone to see how long it would take for the leaves to straighten...3 months...so after 4 months veg I gave it some nitrogen and bam..it curled right back up..so it doesn't like any...but it will finish nicely and curly...so whatever...lol. I just have to not feed it again...lol