3 day old easy ryder seedlings yet to break soil


I had 5 easy ryder seeds and successfully germed 4 in paper towels, once the taproot was about a quarter of an inch long i transplanted into 2 gallon pots of ocean forest soil, root up. I watered it well and let it sit for about 8 hours, then i immediately started an 18/6 light schedule under a 250watt hps.

My seeds have yet to break soil and it's been a good 3 days. I gave it a good watering yesterday but still nothing.

I really didn't give it that much water to begin with so I don't think it would have rotted. The soil got pretty dry for about 6 hours though, but i immediately watered it well. My tent is well ventilated. What are the chances that these seeds are wrecked? I thought Easy Ryder was pretty resilient since it can be grown outdoors as well. I planted them .5-1 inch deep.

Oh my water is ~6.4 PH. Is there any way I can check anything without wrecking the plant? Other logs just show sprouts above soil in 2 days or so and I'm worried.


Active Member
just prod em when ya get the courage to check on em if ya see green inside the shell it wants out....just help it....better that than having em buried and left for dead by owner....oh yeah pretend its bagseed.......


Mine was taking its time so I took a credit card and brushed away a little of the soil that was covering up the seed. When I found the seed, I just sprinkled a little bit of soil over it again and misted the soil with a sprayer. It broke the surface within hours of doing that and it's been doing well ever since. I don't know if that was the right thing to do, but it worked.