3 Cotyledon leaves!


Active Member
my kalashnikova has popped through the soil and the seed husk has just fell, there is 3 cotyledons instead of 2, has anyone seen this b4? is it rare, any info would be appreciated. i will put a pic up when im back from the shops.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Has anyone that has started these found that these plants have a tendancy to be polyploids? This is very, very interesting.


Well-Known Member
the first set of leaves will also come up as a set of three, eventually they grow into an opposite arrangement which is their nature.
jtr 11 2011 001.jpgjack the ripper, november 2011

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
i have had 3 different tga Qleaner beans pop as polyploids and finished like nothing else mattter of fact i got one going now