3-4 day old seeds


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal, I had germinated in rockwool cubes on Oct. 18th i planted my 3-4 day old germinated seeds into pots last night which is Oct. 23rd . I switched my lights over to 2 32w cfl's. I wake up this morning and one of my plants have already fell on its side. What could be the probelm? Should i get more CFL's or should i use my 400w Metal halide? I have not used any nutes, just straight PH'd water.



Well-Known Member
How close do you have the lights? A seedling will stretch for the light if it's not that close...causing it to fall over because their little stems aren't strong enough yet.
Lower your CFLs to about an inch or two above the sprouts. Once there are true leaves (the serrated ones) forming you could switch over to your MH.


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of how far my light is. I had some CFL's on them last night but when i saw what had happened to them i switched back to my MH. Should i go back to the CFL's or just stay with the MH?



Well-Known Member
I don't give any light till they break soil..then I give them a day or two of just sun... then CFL, or other, but the more the light the more caution must be taken.......


Well-Known Member
Please somebody help me. I don't wanna lose them.
I think you're overreacting a bit.
I had a seedling, that I germed a few days ago, sprout so fast it almost jumped out of the rapid rooter. By the time I realized what had happened the stem was too weak to hold it up and was laying flat. All I did was gently prop the stem upright. I'm keeping it propped until I'm sure the stem can manage on it's own.

Have you tried propping up the stem?