2x600 hps ebb & flow. Chronic, Grapegod, and Bluecheese. Single cola SOG.


Well-Known Member
I can get roots every time pretty much, but my aero cloner takes like 3-4 weeks to get decent roots. It just takes forever. I'm just not sure that zero veg, sog is right for me. I don't think people understand how big of clones you need for zero veg. You know how big of mother plants you need for 72 8" clones? Massive. Now, I could just keep doing the smaller clones and vegging them, but then I might as well just do fewer big plants at that point. I'm just going to wait this out and see how much I get off each plant at this point.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking 12, but I was doing some googling of how many plants in 4x4 and people were talking like 16 plants and shit... I've never really grown full sized plants indoors. I've only messed around with this sog stuff.


Well-Known Member

Here's some new pics. Only about 4 days into flowering. Some of them are around 11.5" now. I'll trim some of the bottom branches in a week or so. I'm probably just wigging out right now like I always seem to do. It's like all I think about all day at work, and what not. Hahaha. I can't wait for this month to be over so I can just see what these turn out like. I have a feeling they will be pretty good size.


Well-Known Member
Wigging out for sure. I tend to do the same, thinking, researching all day. Doubting myself. But I have a reason to, your shit looks great man.

What lighting are you using for your moms?


Well-Known Member
man that looks great! if it was me i would flip them soon and start trimming up those lowers quick, those babbies will get out of control quick. the cloning is a bitch when you are doing that many that much i use to have clones root in 7 days and some would take 3 weeks which sucked because when i finally got all clones rooted some had been rooted for some time and looked bad. shit looks great though keep it up.


Well-Known Member
man that looks great! if it was me i would flip them soon and start trimming up those lowers quick, those babbies will get out of control quick. the cloning is a bitch when you are doing that many that much i use to have clones root in 7 days and some would take 3 weeks which sucked because when i finally got all clones rooted some had been rooted for some time and looked bad. shit looks great though keep it up.
I flipped them basically sunday night/monday morning.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know why I do it but I always do... I use a 400 mh.
I ended up throwing out my first grow cause I was sick of the fungus gnats lol that's why I got into hydro. I knew it came from the soil and not uncleanliness. None since.

I'm like this way with everything though. Over analyzing and trying to be a perfectionist and picking my brain over optimising the setup and throwing up all these scenarios and seeing which ones are more efficient when really I need to get the basics down before I. Go crazy with efficiency. I just go crazy and try to learn everything at once and it just sets me up for failure. And then I get where you're at where you doubt your progress.

Maybe HPS is better for thicker al b fuct style clones? I know that's what he uses. Or did. I'm following his posts from 3 years ago.


Well-Known Member
I ended up throwing out my first grow cause I was sick of the fungus gnats lol that's why I got into hydro. I knew it came from the soil and not uncleanliness. None since.

I'm like this way with everything though. Over analyzing and trying to be a perfectionist and picking my brain over optimising the setup and throwing up all these scenarios and seeing which ones are more efficient when really I need to get the basics down before I. Go crazy with efficiency. I just go crazy and try to learn everything at once and it just sets me up for failure. And then I get where you're at where you doubt your progress.

Maybe HPS is better for thicker al b fuct style clones? I know that's what he uses. Or did. I'm following his posts from 3 years ago.
I experimented with this, and it seemed like you have to prune the mothers to only have a few growing tips. That way the growth only focuses into a few spots, and you end up with long, thick tips. I still don't think I will have enough. I'll probably just take smaller ones.


Well-Known Member
I flipped them basically sunday night/monday morning.
nice man i think you will like the outcome its just allot of cloning! i have the moms for it now and have been half tempted to swap back to stuffing flood trays but i just dont like dealing with that many clones. i hate the fact that if you have a bad clone run your yield is considerably effected with my e&g i can easily take 20 and choose the best 10 to grow out.


Active Member
Firstly, I know from experience you can still get fungus gnats with ebb and flow lol. They're easily controlled with yellow sticky traps tho. Also, I'm not sure what al uses, but metal halides are the preferred veg. Good for stem and root growth. To the OP, don't give up! I have a system similar to you, which is a 9 week perpetual grow. I have 4 mothers and take 50 clones every 9 weeks. I cut small clones, so i veg for 12 weeks using my lighting system. Great yields! You'll find what works for you.


Well-Known Member
I experimented with this, and it seemed like you have to prune the mothers to only have a few growing tips. That way the growth only focuses into a few spots, and you end up with long, thick tips. I still don't think I will have enough. I'll probably just take smaller ones.
I'm a nub what does that mean? A few growing nodes like 3 offshoots from the main? Also do you top moms by clipping back the growing tip? How many moms you got? Think I got my work cut out for me with t5 lighting for my moms. Got a 4ft 6 tube 350w. Also are your moms in soil? I wicked don't wanna put soil back into the room and was seeing if people used hydro for moms.

I need to look at cloning and lollipopping more. Right now my focuses lay figuring out plant deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
I'm a nub what does that mean? A few growing nodes like 3 offshoots from the main? Also do you top moms by clipping back the growing tip? How many moms you got? Think I got my work cut out for me with t5 lighting for my moms. Got a 4ft 6 tube 350w. Also are your moms in soil? I wicked don't wanna put soil back into the room and was seeing if people used hydro for moms.

I need to look at cloning and lollipopping more. Right now my focuses lay figuring out plant deficiencies.
I used to use hydro for moms. 2 Gal smart pots with Hydroton and rockwool cubes (like crouton size) mixed about 50/50. I just hand watered them once a day using hydro nutes/water and measuring the runoff EC/Ph. It works for a while but after 5 months or so I was getting a lot of salt buildup/lockout. At that point I would just take an extra clone one round and make that the new mother. But recently I've sworn off mothers all together. I clone my vegging plants right before they make the move to the flowering room. That leaves me 2 weeks to root and 6 weeks to veg (more like 5 the first week they just kinda chill in the pots lol). And then I repeat. But this system is amazing because I can keep literally 15 different strains around without the need for a single mother. The downside: You have to be a good cloner, like 100% success rate if your only taking a single clone of a strain and counting on it to carry the legacy. I would also be servery Fed if something went wrong and I lost all the clones somehow.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I know from experience you can still get fungus gnats with ebb and flow lol. They're easily controlled with yellow sticky traps tho. Also, I'm not sure what al uses, but metal halides are the preferred veg. Good for stem and root growth. To the OP, don't give up! I have a system similar to you, which is a 9 week perpetual grow. I have 4 mothers and take 50 clones every 9 weeks. I cut small clones, so i veg for 12 weeks using my lighting system. Great yields! You'll find what works for you.
I'm aware but its not like I'm bringing them in with the rockwool or lava rocks I buy. I am however briinging them in the organic soils no fault of my own. So id take my chances of not bringing them in and if it happens deal with it versus having to bring them in just to grow. One scenario I have a chance to get them. The other soil way I'm guaranteed because they come with the soil. I need a new local place to buy soil. Don't feel comfortable getting soil there anymore.


Well-Known Member
I'm a nub what does that mean? A few growing nodes like 3 offshoots from the main? Also do you top moms by clipping back the growing tip? How many moms you got? Think I got my work cut out for me with t5 lighting for my moms. Got a 4ft 6 tube 350w. Also are your moms in soil? I wicked don't wanna put soil back into the room and was seeing if people used hydro for moms.

I need to look at cloning and lollipopping more. Right now my focuses lay figuring out plant deficiencies.
i grow some monster mothers with my 6 bulb t5, i have 6 moms in a flood tray right now that are under that lamp and thriving. i top my moms as much as possible to keep them as short as possible. i will top the tops on every branch and use them for clones, i will be pulling some 8-9" clones today actually.


Well-Known Member
back to work.... Can't wait for the weekend to get here. Plus I get more vacation on the 16th, so I'm taking at least a day off.


Well-Known Member
I used to use hydro for moms. 2 Gal smart pots with Hydroton and rockwool cubes (like crouton size) mixed about 50/50. I just hand watered them once a day using hydro nutes/water and measuring the runoff EC/Ph. It works for a while but after 5 months or so I was getting a lot of salt buildup/lockout. At that point I would just take an extra clone one round and make that the new mother. But recently I've sworn off mothers all together. I clone my vegging plants right before they make the move to the flowering room. That leaves me 2 weeks to root and 6 weeks to veg (more like 5 the first week they just kinda chill in the pots lol). And then I repeat. But this system is amazing because I can keep literally 15 different strains around without the need for a single mother. The downside: You have to be a good cloner, like 100% success rate if your only taking a single clone of a strain and counting on it to carry the legacy. I would also be servery Fed if something went wrong and I lost all the clones somehow.
I was thinking of that as thats how my friend cloned with soil. But like you said you need a good success rate. I feel like when I first start cloning I won't be good at it. I suppose it wouldn't be bad if you had say 2 different strains and had say 16 of each and if 4 died you'd have a short harvest, but with 32 plants and 2 lungs, its still good. Then the next time you could cut 2 clones off of each for some of them until you get back to 16 each. At most i'd probably only want to do 4 different strains.

I think another problem is you'd have different phenos in there. Unless the first batch of clones were taken from the same mom and theyd all have the same DNA.

I'm going to try a mom out while i'm new to this all and practice clones off of her, and if I can get them big enough where I wouldn't need veg time i'll do the mom/clone area and flower area. If I fail at getting good enough sized clones(I probably will) i'll get another table and veg and clone and have the other table for flowering as i'd only want moms if I could take advantage of 0 veg.

Another issue is consistency. Say your flowering takes longer or your vegging is quicker that harvest and they just keep growing waiting for the other batch to finish flowering. Yeah you could top em so they don't get too large. I just don't think i'm at that level yet.