2x 90 watt ufo's + 1x 150 watt envirolite.


Well-Known Member
You know that you could put all those pictures in one post, correct?
Yeah man, I uploaded individually cos I am going to add text to each of them........I'll be starting a new thread for my 400w grow I'll add a link - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here we have a pic of my 10 vile droppers in which the final potion shall be stored! a bottle of hi-alc. rum @ 63% abv. and a novelty book .... - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
After the Hah had been collected I was left with about 4 litres of bright green liquid that wreaked of THC, so not to be wasteful I let the juice settle for about a week and slowly siphoned the watery top layer slowly down to a silty layer at the bottom, I scraped it up and put it in this cup, I am guessing its THC thats of finer grade than 20 Microns, ...I hope :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
A birds eye view of it :) , PS/ sorry for the shite pics ... you can tell I am well stoned thats the 4th error I ve made today...good thing I dont have a responsible job... I'd be fucked! lol... - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Pour as much of the THC goop into the beaker, some of it has stuck to the cup, so just scrape as much as possible into it :) - STELTHY