2nd week flowering bagseed w/ AMAZING pics!

when i flush i usually just use plain ole water, but as far as i know the molasses shouldnt hurt anything. its lookin great so far man. id love to see what the harvest and weight looks like


Well-Known Member
so here she is at the beginning of week 7:joint:
dumb question, but will all the pistils(not trics) turn red/orange/amber b4 i harvest as well? or will some still b white, and change color after harvest? because i can see some of the trics turning amber, but id say only like 5% or less are amber so theres stills some time left



Active Member
looks good man ill be watching keep the updates coming

go by trichs my man way more effective forgot the exact percentage of amber
but you need a good balance between cloudy and almost amber but not full amber
theres a great little pic some where on here but i can look anymore sorry man ahaha
harvest parts at time if the timing is to difff


Well-Known Member
Nuggs are lookin nice man. Our plants look pretty damn similar in size and within days apart. Can't wait to compare harvest. Goodluck mmccrory!


Active Member
get a magnifying glass, and look at your trich's. if they are cloudy in the bubble youre going to get a up/energetic high. if they are amber, you will get the "couch lock" high which is more of a body high. hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
thanks for everyones comments! i cut a little test nug off like 2 days ago, and its still a little moist, but i couldnt take it anymore, so i packed one little hit into my ADS, and it was actually dry enough light and stay lit...for the most part...still high like 40 min later lol...had a little harshness to it, but thats cause im not done w/ the flush and it wasnt done drying/curing...but overall i am very satisfied, i think its gonna b amazing :D


Active Member
Everything looks fantastic. I agree- it's fascinating to look back at photos of the original cracked seed and then the plant flowering and think that all this came from one tiny little pod.

I'm 51 days in with no extra nutes and seem to be doing fine.


hey new to this site i use cannabis culture but new to that one too! lol im using 2 26 watts and a 46watt all CFL not sure of thee K rating though but they were clones a week ago so i think im ok either way in veg, your plants are AMAZING for clf! ive looked at alot i could only hope mine turn out similer! keep us posted have to see this when there done! keep um goin another 2 week ATLEAST !