2nd try, much much better


Hello everybody,:eyesmoke: so i have 3 plants that are 3 weeks old tomorrow. i think they look amazing. they are all bagseed. one looks as if it might be a sativa, they bigger branchy lookin one. and the other one seems to be an indica because of its fatter leaflets. the last one that i am doing a little lst on. i dont have a camera now so i had to use the webcam on my laptop lol. a few days ago i tried topping the sativa. tell me wat you think everyone... im also trying cloning for the first time. any advice is welcome so please, stop by. bongsmilie



Nice grow man, they look healthy...you should possibly consider transplanting the coffee can plant though. I heard they can rust and do something bad to the soil...dont take my word on it though, you should look into it. peace


What lights are you using? Nutrients? Soil? Water/Soil Ph Levels?

Looks pretty good though...
i am using cfls. im not sure of the lumens but i have 6 26w bulbs going right now. this is a very low budget grow, meaning i haven't spent any money on this. ive just used whats been around my house and what i can get from my friends. i have miracle grow soil and its working so far. i water with tap water that sits for 24hrs and i have mg all pourpose plant food but i havent really fed them yet. and i dont have a ph meter. so i dunno. temp stays around 83 degrees with the lights on and mid 70s with them off. i just started 12/12 because i have limited space. this of course is a personal grow and im just figuring out what works and stuff. so far its going good i think.


good morning RIU! i checked up on the plants this morning and they have grown a couple inches since lastnight. they are really starting to take off now. and i want to transplant the one i have in the coffee can but i have already started some LST on this one. can i still transplant?? i might add some pictures later. oh and how long till i know the sex of these cuties?


nothin much has changed. they are growin fast tho. i find myself havin to raise the lights everyday so thats cool. the two main colas are coming along nicely since i topped and the lower branches are growing to the top of the plant. are these even more main colas? and the shorter bushier one, im thinking about topping it also. maybe femming if someone could explain exactly how to do this??? please leave some comments, tips, anything that would help. thanks!:peace:

