2nd try - cfl closet grow


Well-Known Member
somethings wrong dude.. my bet is not enough light... they are VERY small for their age..


ye somethin aint rite here prob not enuf light and could prob do with more perlite or somethin mixed wth your soil and do u hav slits in your cups for drainage nd air?


yeah a bunch of holes in the bottom of the cups, i think im just losing too much light because i dont have any relectors


Well-Known Member
ok well that should be ok for now.. but in the very near future your going to need to at least double that for good results, btw the sooner the better if you could double it now with some red/orange spectrum cfls they would def. grow faster.. here are some further questions to help diagnose the problem..

what type of soils are you using??
how often are you watering?
how close are your lights.??
do you have ur light contained?


Well-Known Member
with that little of light u NEED to contain it... set up anything with a white surface around the plants


a few i had before wernt gettin any bigger till i moved them 2 bigger pots. u cld mayb try tinfoil 2 help reflect your light and keep your lights dwn pretty close 2 your plant


Well-Known Member
a few i had before wernt gettin any bigger till i moved them 2 bigger pots. u cld mayb try tinfoil 2 help reflect your light and keep your lights dwn pretty close 2 your plant
sorry dude.. thats all bad advice :( those plants are WAY too small to transplant... it will do more damage than good... there roots have not spread enough to fill those cups... no transplant needed..

tin foil is less reflective than a flat white surface.... it also can create "hot spots" and burn ur plants


here is a pic of the setup i have going

- havn't watered since 4/20. soil is still kinda moist
-using jiffy seed starting soil from walmart
-lights are 2-3 inches away

