2nd time growing - Tell me how im doing PLEASE! :) NEED ADVICE / and i have Q's!

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg 5 WEEKS OLD - How is it? When should i transplant? and to what size gallon container? I have FF Nutes, but i want to get more, any suggestions, and what NPK ratios are good?

Please help :) and whats up with the discoloration on the fan leaves?
also any pruning techniques? Anything i can do to DECREASE the size, and increase the yield? Other any suggestions for potting soil other than Fox Farm Ocean Forest?


Well-Known Member
Read up on techniques like topping, FMing, Uncle Bens tech.
super cropping and all forms of low stress training.
( I am using coat hanger pcs to hold down branches, that's a form of LST)

Look at the use of a screen to control growth.

the end result you want is an even canopy however you combine all the techniques you use.

the general suggestion is to start slow, learn how to create a proper grow enviroment and study the growing of Bud.

I use Fox Farm products in Hydro, I only use the main three bottles.

You have about 6 months of reading....

everyone has a different learning curve, some are book learners and some learn better hands on.

If you have a specific question like pot size for transplant, I am sure you will get help.

try not to be vague in your questions, do your research, you already have internet access.

much of what I consider good info I also found on YouTube, I learn pretty fast but faster if I watch then Do what I watched.

good Luck!

describe your setup, post pix of it

lighting, ventilation, tent if using, etc.

it will help all to help you!


Well-Known Member
a gallon for each month is usually required for growing medium, and yes there are methods such as topping and lst or supercropping that has been known to increase yield and help make a nice dank bushy plant, from the look of yours id say its growing fine for its age, id get it into a 3 gallon bucket then flower her if shes a female of course :)
my light is a 150w HPS, supplemented with side CFL's. No tent just made my own little spot. Temps stay at a steady 68-77 degree F. and i have 2 fans in the area, ventilation is no probelm.


Active Member
Your plant looks beautiful man. Awesome job for you second go around.

I generally feel transplanting is best done during veg, and into the first 2 weeks of flowering if needed. Depending on how big you want her to get, or how much longer till you flower, maybe 2-3 more gallons should be good.

FF is good stuff. Seeing as its your second go around, youll be better off just focusing on those. As far as npk, thats a silly one. Look at your bottles of FF. The veg is gonna be higher in N because your plants need a good amount of nitrogen to GROW BIG. For the flower, it should be higher in the P and K. This helps to get BIG uh...TIGER BLOOMs? Didnt work out for me. Haha. Tiger is a silly name for it.

My point from that is, your npk is set in stone in the nutrients. Theres no good or bad. Its just there. Now which nutrients and when to use them is the better question. Grow big for veg and Tiger bloom for flower. Its as simple as that. The only other thing you could benefit from right now without it getting to complicated is maybe a pk booster and a sweetner if its your thang! Pk boosters help with developing bud sites and bud density as well as production. Bulks the flowers up a little bit and hardens them. Some people tend to over do it. Always start nutes of at 1/4 strength for new plants and work to full. With the pkboost, you could get away with 1/2 strength. Sweetners supposedly help with aroma and flavor as well as boost trich production. Some people swear by them. Im using sugaree from c.e.s. for the first time this go around. I opened the bottle and I had to fight the urge to not drink it!! Smells so good.

For pruning, I would say your best bet would be supper cropping just above the 3rd node. From the looks of it that would bring the top down to the level of your lower branches. Bam!! Even canopy.

Discoloration doesnt look too serious. It might just be time to up the nutrients a little.

Everything I've had to say to you is my opinion. You will probably come across a whole lot of other ones, but it looks to me that you are on the right track!



It looks pretty good, nice fat stem, leaves look fine and the internodes aren't too far apart so it looks like you have your light low enough. Lucky genetics too, at least regarding that trait. Unless you're getting problems on several leaves, don't worry too much. Nutrient problems will show up on whole areas of the plant, like new growth, or lower leaves etc. One common early mistake is to read into every brown spot and irregularity on any individual leaf and go into high gear trying to treat it, which usually does more harm than good.

It looks like a good candidate for topping now, right above the 2nd node. That takes care of all of your height problems instantly since you're chopping it off. It'll grow back giving you 4 main colas, and give you lots more opportunity for training, lst, etc to deal with the vertical growth. Plus you can take that nice, juicy, hormone-filled top cutting and make it into another clone.

If you're only doing that one plant and have no horizontal space problems, you can get a nice yield out of a 3 gal and toooooons of opportunity for LST all around the pot. Even consider topping after the 3rd node then, which will make it bushier and have plenty of bud sites, but maybe not such prominent colas.

For flowering, count on the plant increasing by 1.5-3x depending on your strain and even the individual phenotype of your strain. There really isn't a set time where you have to flower, it's all up to you. Do you want to let it get bushier? Are you LST'ing? Are the shoots 12" and you want them at 18"? And the most important thing...how long can you wait to harvest? I'd love to grow a 16 foot tree that's big around as my house with 1000 colas but I also want to enjoy the harvest sometime this year :)
I'm slightly confused on where to top the plant, and how to LST, i do and will have vertical growth issues, but as far as horizontal goes, i have all the space in the world. It is just a mystery seed, and if i do make a clone, what can i use for gel?? If there's any other way than purchasing cloning gel? But i'm very interested in LST.
Also, DJape. Where could i super crop? I'm not familiar with all the specific parts of the plant :( but thanks guys! im loving the advice, very interested


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter where you top in the end. Ravener is suggesting you go two sets of leaves down, which looks about right, but you could theoretically chop it all so there was only one set left. You see, what's going to happen is you'll chop off the main stem, and the little branches below the point you chop at will "take over" being the main stem. It will slow down vertical growth, but once the little branches become bigger it will speed back up. You can repeat this process again and again; each time you chop a stem, the branches below it will become the main growers, and you'll double the number of flowering tips.


I'm slightly confused on where to top the plant, and how to LST, i do and will have vertical growth issues, but as far as horizontal goes, i have all the space in the world. It is just a mystery seed, and if i do make a clone, what can i use for gel?? If there's any other way than purchasing cloning gel? But i'm very interested in LST.

For how to top, you'll want to check out this: https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/151706-uncle-bens-topping-technique-get.html

For LST, you'll want to check out this: https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/369528-low-stress-training-lst-guide.html

For cloning, the one thing 'a friend' looks at as most important is whether or not the rooting gel/solution/powder has hormones. He knows Olivia's gel doesn't have hormones, Hormex does, both liquid and powder. There's a super cheap hormone rooting powder called Green Light that works perfectly fine, and can be found at Lowe's. Like everything with growing, you can make it as simple or as complex as you like. "A friend" prefers putting a fresh cutting into shot glass of Hormex while the fan leaves are trimmed, then rolled in powder in a torn off corner of an envelope, then into the medium. For ultimate simplicity, skip either the powder step OR the liquid step, but if you have to choose, keep the liquid since it still has B vitamins and other stuff. The powder is pure hormone and talc as a binder.

There are certainly alternate ways, like willow bark water and stuff, but I have no knowledge of them.


Active Member
Also, DJape. Where could i super crop? I'm not familiar with all the specific parts of the plant :( but thanks guys! im loving the advice, very interested

Your gonna want to start at the base of your plant and work your way up. The first set of growth up the main stalk is your first node. The second area of growth anywhere from 2-3 inches up the main stalk apart from the 1st growth is your second node. Followed by the 3rd, and 4th etc. Think of them as the stories to a building almost.


Well-Known Member
You can grow it as big and bad as you want with topping but in the end you are still working with 150 watt hps so any training you do needs to be done horizontally, not vertically, a good basic topping with some simple lst and flower it. No point to grow something 4' tall when your lights only good for a foot

Your plant looks awesome! Mine are at about 6 weeks....I have a weak ass t5 light switching up to 600WATT HPS this week. I just started topping and FIM'ing mine a few days ago. One plant popped 4 tops on it after about 48 hrs. My other plant I have been topping more heavily and it's got sprouts/branches popping everywhere. You plant looks much healthier than mine, mine all look weak mostly from the light source.

You plan on LST'ing? I may try with one, as this is my first time growing and just experimenting with different things.

(Ignore the small one in the front, I tried to pull a clone from a flowered plant and it basically has a giant root ball and the stem is super think but it won't grow...now at 4 weeks.)

Good stuff man!