2nd time grower let me know what you think any tips etc


thanks again, no no co2 just carbon filter, and to be honest i cant remember the strain got a cutting from a friend been meaning to ask again haha


New Member
They look beautiful. Keep up the great work. The only recommendation I would have is the same one I make to everyone using a small space and small watt light set up. Dutch Master Liquid Light and Penetrater Gold. I will sound like a rep for them after saying it so much. I have grown outside for a long time and recently did an indoor set up. All hydro. I have plants with it and with out it in my journal as proof that it works.


It's really the only improvement I could see you making, those are gorgeous, very healthy.


so it does make a diffrence? and its just to use as a spray? i have a 600watt aircooled light ill have to have a loot at your journal, oh and how much is it?