2nd time around...here we go!

My first grow started with 6 plants. 1 survived all the way and is in week 3 of flowering. You are all welcome to follow that as the link is here...

Stumbled upon a couple higher grade seeds from bud I was shocked (and thrilled in growing terms) to see have a seed or two. Got 3 total. They made it through germ & here are a couple pics of them about a week in.


Running 24/0 on 2 100w replacement CFLs in a cupboard to an entertainment stand in my...I guess you could call it my grow room? I keep the flowering plant in a closet in this room so it can still achieve 12/12 with no light getting through on the right half.

I will be buying a humidifier for small spaces shortly as the leaves have been having a rougher then usual feel. It usually stays 30% humidity in this box. (if anyone has any input on changing all this or tips on an easier way to combat that please feel free!

Two things mainly is with the rougher feel to the leaves, as you can see in the pictures, they are also droopy. I thought maybe a nitrogen deficiency so I tried something new and waiting to see how that goes (thoughts)

...and also I have this odd green mossy growth in my cups. I strained & took care of excess water based on that, but I am still learning (obv) so just trial and error with the help of everyone on here maybe?

Thanks again! These plants will be much more successful as I learned a bit more then I knew when I put flood lamps on my first grow (haha). These should not be as stretched since it was CFL's from birth & will then have a higher yield!

Cheers all...happy growing & happy smoking!

Here is an update on my plants. This was taken at replant. The difference is night & day between these & my first experimental grow!


Active Member
They look great but I would think about running your lights 18/6 or 20/4. The advantages of the increased dark period is that youl save money/keep temps lower, and many feel that plants need a dark period.
Good luck with your grow cant wait for that girl to flower.
A couple updated pics of my two beauties so far. From what it looks like to me I have one sativa dominant & one indica.
**looks about 100x better then my first experimental grow imo. This one will actually end well too!

I am considering topping the indica (right) but I am not sure about timing because I heard people can do it too early & also do it too late? These were taken today so if anyone has any "go ahead" 's I will consider it.

Another question is what is the yield difference if you top your plants opposed to letting them rock straight up no cutting no tying?

I didn't have a time frame for how long I was growing my plants until I discovered a seed in an unknown monster I came across. I germ'd it, planted it & it did what I asked of it & popped through so I am giving this plant 6 weeks to grow in the same environment as my bigger plants but I have designated CFL's to my new baby.

6 weeks away puts my plants starting flowering with approx 12 weeks of veg & the new plant should be about the size my main ones are now.

Considered having plants at 14 weeks & 8 weeks so the new plant can have 8 full weeks of its cycle but meh...who knows we will see how it goes!

Not looking to get too much out of the new girl, maybe like a cannabis banzai tree worth.

Thanks for input in advance...cheers!

..happy smoking
Hey guys! havent put up new pics in awhile...here is an update!


This is a 100% CFL grow. I also showed a pic of my successful topping (yay)

Looking at my schedule, I am going to start flowering here early next week. Was going to do it this week but I have prior engagements 8 or so weeks down the road so I am waiting a few more days.
