The open containers of water/water plates never work. I had success bringing up the RH by taking a cooler and attaching vents to the lid and attaching it to the intake. Brought up the RH and kept in a little cooler but it started leaking on me bc the cooler was crap. So I tossed the cooler and haven't bought another one. Maybe even throw and air stone in the cooler if you give it a go. I don't like humidifiers, I think they do too good of a job. I built a complete 400W veg and flower room yesterday for my brother. Took us all night, got home at 6 am (spring forward 7 am). Dude now has vents all over his bedroom, its hilarious. Sowed 4 blueberry gums, 1 Osiris, and 1 Kannabia Special straight into 5 gallon buckets. Didn't get any pictures because by 2 am I no longer gave a shit. It will be the main test site for yoda's in a month or so. Should be germin Tang Dreams in the next few days. Good to hear even the runts are just chillin, tannin', having a good time and that everyones on board. Sucks about the Vortex, was interested in that strain which looked so good in veg. Looking forward to pictures man. Get some good sexy part shots.