2nd round of pistols?


Well-Known Member
So im looking at my plants today and alot of the pistols have dried and changed over to brown as well as started receding...now what i have seen today confuses me because i havent noticed it on any of my other grows (maybe i just didnt pay enough attention) but anyway, is there are a few clumps of nice fresh new white pistils showing up.



Well-Known Member
Beautiful man.
Thanks....but i must tell on myself.....i didnt have enough space for them when they were ready from the cloner so they are not exactly what i wanted for them....the plants stretched alot under the cfl's over the cloner so my buds are all quite a bit smaller then i would like....none of the nodes could really join up as the buds grew...but the calyx's are crazy big on that paticular plant, compared to what i usually see.

No males, no hermies, no seeds, but in the last pic you can see the results from being under the cfls for to long, as well as a couple beanches in the back it appears that need some support.



Well-Known Member
You obviously grow better than me, but I wouldn't play too many games with my mature calexes, over little foxtails.

Calexes do die eventually. You can smoke em but they're brittle, and they stink!


Well-Known Member
You obviously grow better than me, but I wouldn't play too many games with my mature calexes, over little foxtails.

Calexes do die eventually. You can smoke em but they're brittle, and they stink!
I dont know that i grow better than anyone, im still learning....not to mention i cant grow in dirt for crap....i end up overwatering and killing them every time in dirt. Lmao.