2nd outdoor grow! year 2008


Well-Known Member
help me then dude how do i get pictures up???
i have a sweet camera and cool pictures i wanna put up


Active Member
upload to photobucket or whatever you use, the copy the direct link of the photo, and click the little button on the reply to thread form that has the mountains on it, paste in there and you have a photo up.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the help hindukush. These pictures here are of my youngest baby taken earlier today, she sprouted may 15 so shes a little over 3 months old and shes flowering! can anyone kinda tell or give an estimate how much longer till harvest?? any help would be greatly appreciated. She was from a good bag of what was definitely indica buds


Well-Known Member

This girl here is 4 months old and this is week 1 of flowering for her, are those indica or sativa dominant leaves? She is as tall as me almost exactly and im 5' 8". sorry there blurry im getting used to a new camera and mosquitoes are fucking bad!!


Well-Known Member

This is my most magnificent girl from above. 127 days old and 6 feet tall! she has some HUGE fan leaves and looks like she will yield around 2 ounces at least of dried bud.