2nd Journal w/Island Sweet Skunk, Hawaiian Cotton Candy, and BigBud(400MH/600HPS)

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
yeah there are even better designs online like the global bucket but im lazy dont wannt do all that work and the added beni is that you get a grow bed effect this way the roots have more room

also you need a lil bit of the soil to sit in the res for a "some scientific name" effect that soil supplys the rest of soil with water the homemade ones use a solo cup with slits on the side its way more effective when watering this is the main diff than a smart pot also has a over fill so you just water till it runs out alot easier and more constistant watering and you dont need a float or guess like you were doing with the smart pots etc it would take me like 30 dollars material and 4 hours to made what i have i spent 56 bucks time is money when i do a buch of these ill use the "global bucket" design with a syphon water res with prob 20 plants at each outdoor grow spot only one with have the external res cause that spot i cant go to as easy or often

google global bucket and smart pot you should see how the main diff are and how big/ drastic differance there is
Cool man I'll check it out!


Cool man I'll check it out!
they really took of since planting em in the earth box watering is easy as fuck im going to grow in global buckets outdoor this fall and run the syphen res setup on one of the grows at least im sooooo pumped noticable results already cant wait to see em flower in some o these


how many plants are you doing ? they are from seed right? have you sexed yet ?


Well-Known Member
how many plants are you doing ? they are from seed right? have you sexed yet ?
4 Big Bud(female), 1 Island Sweet Skunk(ISS), 2 Hawaiian Cotton Candy(1 male;1female), Citral X Blueberry(?)

but I also have my plants to take care of in my closet on 12/12..
in there 2 Super Skunks and 2 Super Silver Haze and 1 Cinderella(all at 7 weeks I think), then 3 more plants(1 Super Silver Haze);(2 Super Skunks) all at about 4 weeks

Oh and the ones from seed have been vegged for 3 weeks and are about to be flipped over to 12/12...

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
He's cool he just started a new job and I think he moved too. He didn't get popped that's for sure. Just been really busy I guess. I'll try to nag him... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry everyone..Yeah D.C. is right..I got a new job that kicks major ass, and I just haven't had time to update...hopefully after the dust settles I'll be back

Peace, love, and lots O' buds for everyone

P.S. I didn't get popped, all is well and smoked out :bigjoint: