2nd Journal w/Island Sweet Skunk, Hawaiian Cotton Candy, and BigBud(400MH/600HPS)


Well-Known Member
Here we go for journal #2..This go around I'll be using primarily seed..I have some Island Sweet Skunk cross from RIU's very own D.C. Beard, 2 Hawaiian Cotton Candy and 1 Citral x Blueberry from a close friend, and about 4 or 5 Feminized Big Bud from Ministry of Cannabis..

I started by germinating them with wet paper towels in a bowl or dish..I had 100% germination rate..

Once the seeds popped, they are placed in my Rapid Rooter plugs and placed under the humidity dome until the roots come out the bottom of the plugs...

From there the seedlings go into a 16oz styrofoam cup and placed under a 125CFL for 1-2weeks..

The plants are then placed under a 400w MH for 1-3 weeks of vegging..



Well-Known Member
Under the 400w MH is where we find the plants at this moment..they have been under for about 1 week, and let me say that I have found 2 plants that have male preflowers..

One male is an Island Sweet Skunk(ISS) and the other male is one of the Hawaiian Cotton Candy(HCC)...


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well they look good, sucks about the ISS's. One left, keep em crossed!

These pics are making me want to transplant those seedlings even more!


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Nice man I have been interested in these strains for a while now. They are hybrids I guess but that's cool. I grew a romulan last year but it turned out to be a male but I planted one in the minigreenhouse under the 400w mh yesterday. I also got some mikados I want to run ASAP.I'm subscribed man check out my journal very similar i think I got a male preflower on my cannalope hazes too so good luck with your grow.
here's the preflower what you think?


Well-Known Member
looking pretty good
do you have two room setup?
you gon keep a mum ??
thanks mike:mrgreen:...yeah I have 2 rooms, and typically I would keep 1 or 2 moms, but I just found out that I will probably have to move within a month or so...so I'm gonna hold off making anymore moms till that's settled..

Oh and thanks for checking out the journal this go around..


Well-Known Member
Nice man I have been interested in these strains for a while now. They are hybrids I guess but that's cool. I grew a romulan last year but it turned out to be a male but I planted one in the minigreenhouse under the 400w mh yesterday. I also got some mikados I want to run ASAP.I'm subscribed man check out my journal very similar i think I got a male preflower on my cannalope hazes too so good luck with your grow.
here's the preflower what you think?
Thanks for checking it out and scribing pipe...yeah the ISS, HCC, and CxBB are all hybrids...

The Big Buds are from Ministry of Cannabis...

Man I have wanted to try the Cannalope for sooo long..you're lucky you got some, and yeah that's definitely a little male preflower..
How was the romulan, because that's another strain I've been interested in..Good luck:bigjoint:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Nice man I have been interested in these strains for a while now. They are hybrids I guess but that's cool. I grew a romulan last year but it turned out to be a male but I planted one in the minigreenhouse under the 400w mh yesterday. I also got some mikados I want to run ASAP.I'm subscribed man check out my journal very similar i think I got a male preflower on my cannalope hazes too so good luck with your grow.
here's the preflower what you think?
Looks male to me, but give it another week or so. If it raises up on a little stalk, it's a male for sure. If a little wispy hair comes out of that pod then it's a female.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yeah cannalopes been on my list for a while but honestly I wanted chocolope but they were out out when I put in the order so I settled on the CH. As for the romulan that's been on my list since i first read about it in the big book of buds back like 8 years ago lol. A lot of my strains were picked out from that. I only planted one seed with my order cause either way I was gonna grow it or collect pollen and I planted some mangos side by side. I also grew out some freebies but they didn't germ for me so I only ended up with 3 plants and the romulan was a male and he died when I moved him never got pollen so tthis is round 2 with one seed. It grows like a beast. Just like I read it's kinda of unsymetrical growth and will really fill out the canopy. I loved the plant just like described sprouted with a purple stem and beautiful leaves throughout growth. I have heard conflicting stories on romulan some say it's a pure indica and I have heard it's a nearly pure sativa but every one agrees it's fire.


Thanks for checking it out and scribing pipe...yeah the ISS, HCC, and CxBB are all hybrids...

The Big Buds are from Ministry of Cannabis...

Man I have wanted to try the Cannalope for sooo long..you're lucky you got some, and yeah that's definitely a little male preflower..
How was the romulan, because that's another strain I've been interested in..Good luck:bigjoint:
my opionion dont waist your time on the cannalope up to you thou


so check this shit out we've been talking about watering methods different size containers and all that right? well i found well i THINK i found the PERFECT solution

it self waters has a 4 or 5 gallon res under it roots draw up water as needed almost impossible to over/under water and at peak i think i might have to water once a week pretty fuckin awesome right

its called an earth box seen em in hightimes got from local nursery

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
hell yeah earthboxes look dope and the plants are looking real healthy still too. As far as the cannalope....I hope I prove you guys wrong:)

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I tried a Smart Pot once, it's the same principle only just for one plant, and I hated it actually. lol I just like having total control I guess. I'm used to lifting the pots up to feel how heavy they are to know when to water again. I always had a hell of a time trying to figure out if the damn thing needed water inside of it again.

PS those things are easy as hell to make, and you can save a lot from not buying brand name Earthboxes. Just put one pot with some slots cut in it inside of another pot without any cuts. Put a piece of felt across the bottom to keep the dirt from going through. If you also want to be able to easily water it just cut a hole at the bottom of the reservoir pot and hot-glue something that's the equivalent shape of a snorkel on the side of the pot to pour your water into. Might cost $7.00 tops I bet.


hell yeah earthboxes look dope and the plants are looking real healthy still too. As far as the cannalope....I hope I prove you guys wrong:)
i do too i really do i think the strain has hella potential just seems to be tempermental bitch so dont piss her off lol


I tried a Smart Pot once, it's the same principle only just for one plant, and I hated it actually. lol I just like having total control I guess. I'm used to lifting the pots up to feel how heavy they are to know when to water again. I always had a hell of a time trying to figure out if the damn thing needed water inside of it again.

PS those things are easy as hell to make, and you can save a lot from not buying brand name Earthboxes. Just put one pot with some slots cut in it inside of another pot without any cuts. Put a piece of felt across the bottom to keep the dirt from going through. If you also want to be able to easily water it just cut a hole at the bottom of the reservoir pot and hot-glue something that's the equivalent shape of a snorkel on the side of the pot to pour your water into. Might cost $7.00 tops I bet.
yeah there are even better designs online like the global bucket but im lazy dont wannt do all that work and the added beni is that you get a grow bed effect this way the roots have more room

also you need a lil bit of the soil to sit in the res for a "some scientific name" effect that soil supplys the rest of soil with water the homemade ones use a solo cup with slits on the side its way more effective when watering this is the main diff than a smart pot also has a over fill so you just water till it runs out alot easier and more constistant watering and you dont need a float or guess like you were doing with the smart pots etc it would take me like 30 dollars material and 4 hours to made what i have i spent 56 bucks time is money when i do a buch of these ill use the "global bucket" design with a syphon water res with prob 20 plants at each outdoor grow spot only one with have the external res cause that spot i cant go to as easy or often

google global bucket and smart pot you should see how the main diff are and how big/ drastic differance there is