Looks great, very healthy and green. Subbed and joinin ya for the ride...
I still get the yellow but can clear it up much easier in post now. I shoot in RAW and adjust my white balance in (adobe raw) way over to the blue side of the spectrum, zero out the blacks, and use recovery to get back most of the clipping; then fix everything else in photoshop with levels, curves, color balance, and shadows/highlights in that order I then hit it with smartsharpen. When shooting I shoot on aperture priority maxed out at 5.6 with my shitty kit lens (I need a good macro lens), AWB, I leave my ISO at 100, keep my metering balance on multi segment, and on closeups I always try to shoot in a way that I can use my body and camera angle to shadow out some of the light.
I hope that helps and not off topic at all at least not in my threads.