2nd growth, your thoughts........


Hello i am on 2nd growth now... you can see progress of my 1st here


now here im my 2nd growth...

i thought about trying Rejuviantion of 2 of the 3 plants i grew and they are the bigger ones in the pic (do any of you do Rejuve??)

all 7 resize.jpg

here are the 2 rejuve ones...
rejuve 1 resize.jpg

Rejuve 2 resize.jpg

from my 1st harvest i just just under 28g (1oz) from 3 plants and i was only growing them with 3 CFL bulbs so 1 per plant, now i have sorted my room out, i am gonna be using 9CFLs still the smaller ones get a little bigger then ill move straight to the 600W HPS..

any thoughts on this?


also i have another question..... from my 1st growth i had 3 fems, no males and no homaf... so how did it produce seeds that i could actually grow?? its confusing the shit outta me, how was i able to germinate it, if its not been fertilised?? also if it does grow will it be 100% female?


Well-Known Member
ok first its not rejuve...its reveg ;)

and 2nd its not germinate in this instance, its pollinate ;) You probably had a hermi and didn't know...they can hide in the buds and release their pollen without you knowing, and yes if they were all female plants to begin with if one popped a hermi flower its still female DNA, so you get feminized seeds, but there is a tendency that hermaphroditic traits will get worse with constant repollination of itself and future generations...so you might be more likey to have hermi's growing out those seeds :)


cheers for the info, but looks like you didnt read my post right, the actual term for cropping and letting the plant grow again for another season is called Rejuvenation but some refere to it as reveg, regenerate so my term was correct, and 2 with the germination, i already had the seeds and i was germinating them to see if they had actually been pollinated and they are starting to grow, so all is good... if you read it it says "how was i able to germinate it" meaning that if it had not been pollinated then it would not even split, it would just be a dead shell......

thinking about it the way that woman have periods which is the Egg (seed) and your sperm would fertilize (pollinate) it... if this dont happen then she bleeds out the egg pretty much like the plat producing dead seeds...


Well-Known Member
cannabis plants don't make empty shell's or dead seeds on a whim...they create seeds when the pistils get pollen on them from scratch...some get produced properly...some don't(dead/empty/etc seeds)...a woman has a set amount of eggs and doesn't produce them on the fly...also a womans period isn't defined by if an egg actually comes down the fallopian tube or not...women who have their tubes tied still have periods...if the lining of the uterine walls doesn't get an implantation of a fertilized egg then hormones cause the uterine wall to contract, stripping away the membrane built up and expels it...ergo period ;)