2nd grow

This is going to be my second grow (my first in soil). I have almost almost all of my equipment ready for this grow which include 3x nextgen 600/400w switchable ballasts w/ 3 x 600w digilux hps bulbs and 2 x 400w mh. I have a 6" vortex centrifugal fan and charcoal fiber filter for ventilation. All this will be housed in a 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5ft grow tent. I will be posting pics of my setup soon in the next week or two when I get my clones. Having said all that I have to fairly simple questions.

1: The clones I am getting are Red Dragon. If any one has any experience with this strain, what kind of yield can I expect from 6 plants? (I will be using scrog)

2: I plan on using a fox farm ocean forest/ perlite mixture and fox farm nutes. Is this a good mix? If not what would be a better alternative?

Any advise is greatly appreciated!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
well, for my medium i use.. 12oz coco coir/ 12oz perlite/ 4oz earth worm castings/ 2tbs of dolomite lime per gallon of mix. going to try just using fish emulsion for ferts next grow. Heres some pink weed i got from that medium.
well, for my medium i use.. 12oz coco coir/ 12oz perlite/ 4oz earth worm castings/ 2tbs of dolomite lime per gallon of mix. going to try just using fish emulsion for ferts next grow. Heres some pink weed i got from that medium.
Kudos bro those are freakin beautiful, I hope my babies come out even remotely resembling that. Do genetics have anything to do with that?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
im sure it has a lot do to with genetics, but i think it has a lot to do with how you care for the plants. it was just some ok regs, got an OZ of it and saved up a bunch of seeds... that one just decided to turn pink lol. just remember, in my opinion the most crucial factor for growing is the PH. get it right and dont over fert, youll get a badass plant no matter the medium and no matter where you got the seed from.