2nd Grow


Active Member
Hey guys so this is my second grow try in about a year because the first one was and epic FAIL. I am germinating the seed right now I was just wondering what kind of light and watt do i need for the veg process and then for the flowering. This is going to be a PC grow so which ever lights work the best for something small. Its only one plant and i will have a fan blowing fresh air in the bottom in the back and then one in the front facing up towards the top to help circulate the air good. Thank You.bongsmilie


Misguided Angel
You can grow under fluoroscent with less yield/potency. I use a flourescent from the start to when it is roughly the same size as my original container. Then I transplant into it's final conatiner. You can grow under 250/400/600/1000 Watt systems. I use a MH bulb for veg stage and HPS for flower stage. If you have to choose one of the two go with HPS. What size of space are you growing in?


Active Member
Uh its a stealth grow in a normal computer case so about that size lol... idk the measurements because i dont have the case here its at my cousin's because were ripping it down and building it there then bringing it here for the plant.


Active Member
That's what I would use in a PC case, a 42W minimum, or maybe two 26W's. The 26W's should be easier to find at any hardware store. You will also need a PC fan to vent the air in and out. I think a fan in the front to pull air in, and a fan in the back to pull air out would be ideal. The venting holes would need to be covered because you need complete darkness for simulated night time.


Active Member
Man you guys are a lot of help thanks a lot really... Can't wait to get my grow box all done this weekend... Uh just 2 more questions so when you mean cool and warm lights to mean like 3000k spectrum cool then like 5100k spectrum for warm or what? Then what should be the percentage mixture of perlite with my MG and do i mix it together or lay perlite below the soil or above it... sorry big newbie.


Active Member
Ok so i picked up my pc case from my cousins house. Before hand i had wired both my spare xbox fans one intake (actually 2 fans) and one exhaust (also 2 fans). I have only gotten around to fitting in my exhaust fan because tomarrow morning i am going to have to remove the cage in the pc so i can fit my intake one in... just some pictures to see how i did it and too keep you guys updated on it... hope it keeps going good.



Well-Known Member
If you want the most room in your case, go with an ATX form factor case- they are the biggest around to handle the longest (most high-end) video cards.

Use high-K light temps during veg (5000K+) and low-K for flowering (3000 or less) although by the time you reach flowering, you will probably need a more powerful light if you want a decent yield and it will probably have outgrown the PC case. have any plans on where you can transplant it?

Since you claim to be a newbie, I would recommend using strictly organic nutes. The pH isn't thrown out of whack by as large of a degree. Go with Earth Juice Grow and Bloom.

Also, I've heard bad things about Miracle Gro- it's got time-release nutes which mj doesn't like. You can just buy some really cheap soil with good stuff in it. forgot what i used before but I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest now and it's very popular (like $17 per 12qt. bag, pretty good).

And remember, it's called a weed for a reason. you don't have to water it every day. in fact, it thrives in low-water conditions. so don't flood it. that's the #1 mistake newbie growers make. give it a good watering every other day or so.


Active Member
If you want the most room in your case, go with an ATX form factor case- they are the biggest around to handle the longest (most high-end) video cards.

Use high-K light temps during veg (5000K+) and low-K for flowering (3000 or less) although by the time you reach flowering, you will probably need a more powerful light if you want a decent yield and it will probably have outgrown the PC case. have any plans on where you can transplant it?

Since you claim to be a newbie, I would recommend using strictly organic nutes. The pH isn't thrown out of whack by as large of a degree. Go with Earth Juice Grow and Bloom.

Also, I've heard bad things about Miracle Gro- it's got time-release nutes which mj doesn't like. You can just buy some really cheap soil with good stuff in it. forgot what i used before but I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest now and it's very popular (like $17 per 12qt. bag, pretty good).

And remember, it's called a weed for a reason. you don't have to water it every day. in fact, it thrives in low-water conditions. so don't flood it. that's the #1 mistake newbie growers make. give it a good watering every other day or so.
Thank that was a lot of help. And no i don't have a place to transplant it I was going to try to grow it low by keeping the light very close and if that doesn't work i was going to move to LST to see if that made a difference. Getting a big yield really doesn't matter to me because its my first grow and i just want to get the basics down with growing and such then on my second real grow if i do good with this one I'm probably going to make a tall cabinet to grow in.


Active Member
Ok so this morning I took all the cage rivets out of my pc case and then put my intake fan in and covered up all the holes with aluminum foil so that no light could pass though. I don't know if I'm gonna keep it or change it with mylar. So here a picture all i need is my light/lights and my sprout. Still going pretty good. No problems yet.



On my first PC grow I used 3 daylight (5000K) 27W bulbs for veg and then switched to warm white (2700K) 27W for flowering.

Based on something I read here I'm using 2 of the daylight and one of the warm white for veg this time. I will switch out a daylight to another warm white for flowering. (Has anybody else tried this?) I'm two weeks in on my second grow, and so far it looks extremely healthy.

I used MG and struggled the whole time. It either looked starved or burned. I also had trouble keeping the fan leaves from yellowing and falling off. I don't know if I can blame the MG, but I'm suspicious. This time I'm using some frankensoil from different bags I had around from other gardening projects. Hopefully that isn't a mistake. I just hated to waste it. I hope it works because I probably have enough of the mix to do 4 more PC grows.

I finally got my last grow sorted and stabilized near the end of flowering, started giving 1/4 strength diluted African Violet food (8-14-9), and got a useful harvest and learned a bunch of lessons.

I'm not ever going to be anything but an amature at this, but I will never have to pay for a bag again.

It's all here on RIU. I think I'm wearing out the "advanced search" function.

Good luck:peace:


Active Member
Personally i dont like PC grow boxes because they are too small but i do like speaker grow boxes because they seem to be a bit bigger.


Active Member
I would of liked to do something bigger but I am only 16 and without a job anymore so i have no more income so i have little money so its a little hard or i would of gone bigger.


Active Member
Well I got my grow box all together now I found a spare lamp and took it apart for the light socket setup. Here is a picture of the set up. I know i need a bigger light... its just for the time being.

