2nd Grow with Pics! Clones Started. Having Problems!! Advice Needed!!


This is my 2nd grow. The 1st grow turned out great!! The pics here are of the clones I took for my 2nd grow. I took these clones about 3 weeks ago. They all have roots and are growing. My problem is that I took the clones when the plants were flowering (as you can see from the pics). It seems like they are going very slow but are at least growing. I was told that they will go back into vegetative stage but after 3 weeks they still have the buds on top. I have them under a T-5 light 24/7. Does anyone know if they will eventually go back into vegetative stage and how long it will take them to get there? ALso, if I cut the tops off of each one (mostly the bud part) would it help? I understand that it till create more shoots if i cut the tops off? or is it too early for that? Any advice or past experience would be helpful. Thanks



They "should" go back into veg .....I did the very same thing and took clones while in the first 2 weeks of flowering.It took forever for them to root and I lost 5 out of 7. I suppose just be diligent on keeping an eye on them.Mine took over a month to revert back and pop roots and then took forever to grow back.But if its a strain you really like then do your best to keep it.Seedling heat mats help out a bunch.......


Well-Known Member
The important part is you got them to root, which is pretty cool considering how far into flowering you are, but it will take a considerable amount of time to snap them back into veg.


So it sounds like its gong to just take alot long than if i would have taken during veg-to-flower stage? What about cutting the tops off? would that help as far as getting more shoots (rather than one kola/cola, it will have two kolas?) also would it help to get it back to vegetative stage quicker? I notice my first grow they didnt have many shoots off of them, mostly just one major stem with big kolas. I want to get them to be bushy with many shoots.


This is my 2nd grow. The 1st grow turned out great!! The pics here are of the clones I took for my 2nd grow. I took these clones about 3 weeks ago. They all have roots and are growing. My problem is that I took the clones when the plants were flowering (as you can see from the pics). It seems like they are going very slow but are at least growing. I was told that they will go back into vegetative stage but after 3 weeks they still have the buds on top. I have them under a T-5 light 24/7. Does anyone know if they will eventually go back into vegetative stage and how long it will take them to get there? ALso, if I cut the tops off of each one (mostly the bud part) would it help? I understand that it till create more shoots if i cut the tops off? or is it too early for that? Any advice or past experience would be helpful. Thanks

Funny enough i just read a manual about cloneing and supercropping ect the other day and it said clones from flowering plants are actually better because if u take one with a small popcorn bud on it (so a lower flowering branch what u would take anyway) it will be harder to root because it has to divide up energy between flowering and rooting so when it does (hopefully) root its like body building the plant and it grows a crazy ammount of shoots akin to what topping a plant would do.


Wow that is absolutely the same thing that I am doing and I didnt even know it. I hope i can get the same results. All the clones I took (13) have rooted nicely. Thanks for replying, esp with that link. I am going to keep this thread updated on how they turn out. any other advice or experiences?


I just finished doing the exact same thing today!!! :)
I hope everything turns out as good as yours :)
Should i post pics? 0.o


Put this gurly in about 2 hours ago.....
im trying to adjust my ph levels in the dwc system i have...... This is my first time.... so idk..... Probably goin to need help......lol

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