2nd Grow: Violator Kush and Power Skunk!


Well-Known Member
I watered last night, but didn't have time to post any pictures. I used only 1drop/gal Superthrive and 12mL/gal Rhizotonic. When I went in to take pictures today, I noticed that there was a burn spot on one of the plant's lower leaves. I'm sure it's a little burning from some excess water/nutes left on the leaves after watering (visible in 3rd picture). I was going a little fast--next time I'll be more careful!:neutral: I also noticed that the edges of the upper leaves on the VK that I did not tie down are folded up slightly. I expected to see that on the newest leaves coming out of the growth tip, but I also expected them to flatten out after the whole leaf set was done forming. Not quite sure what this means--if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.



Well-Known Member
So, I went to the hydroponics store today and made the best investment I have made yet--an air cooled reflector. My temps before were up near 90 (88-90) and since installment, they haven't gone above 84. I have reset my 6 hour dark cycle to be in late afternoon, so when I get home the stomata will be open and they'll be prime for foliar feeding if needed. I foliar fed today with 3mL/gal BioVega (less than 1/4 strength) and a little less than 1tbs/gal Neem Oil to prevent pests/fungi. 3 of the 4 look pretty good right now, but they one VK that I didn't LST is having a few problems. As you can see in the 3rd picture, the upper leaves are curling upwards a bit and the leaves in the middle section have developed a blackish blue spots in the middle/around the edges. I had attributed the curling to heat/humidity, so I assume within a day or so that will be fixed, since I installed the air-cooled reflector and all. The spotting, however, I am not quite sure about. I am doing some pH testing (and posting in the plant problems forum) at the moment to figure out what the problem is. I bought some "pH down" in case I need to use it. Thats it for today. I'll post back tomorrow with an update. Hopefully the lower temperatures will solve some problems. :joint:



Well-Known Member
Ok, so it seems that a lot has gone wrong in the past few days. :-? On one hand, the air-cooled hood has dropped temperatures significantly, and my babies are happy for that. On the other hand, however, it seems that I have completely misdiagnosed some problems. I mentioned 3 days ago that there were some burn spots from additives that had been left on the leaves when I put them back under the light after watering. Turns out that these blotches in the center of the leaves were related to the slight dark bluish/grey spotting I had noticed on the edges on one of the leaf sets on one of the other plants. Even after a day under the new air-cooled hood, on the worse plant, the spots expanded eventually covering almost 2/3 of the leaf drying it up completely with a very dark greenish color. (Note: I am slightly colorblind, so it's sometimes tough for me to discern between dark greys/blues/greens, so if coloring is a very acurate indicator of a spicific dificiency, don't take my word on the color 100%.) From the "Marijana Plant Problems and Cures" sticky in the general thread, the problem looks very similar to, if not exactly, like a phosphorus deficiency. The spotting on the other plant looks like it's getting worse, and a spot is now visible on a third plant. :confused: pH of my soil reads 6.8. The problem isn't heat or pH, so I have to assume that it is a nutrient deficiency. I haven't used any nutes to this point, only Rhizotonic, Cannazyme, and Superthrive and I am in the FoxFarm soil, which I had thought would hold me over nutrient-wise for a good three weeks. Since I couldn't think of a single other thing to do, I watered with a half-strength solution of BioVega, my vegging nutrient. I have bone meal available as a phosphorus supplement, but it isn't water soluble, so I think my best (and quickest) option is to go with the BioVega. It's balanced, and I'd think that if this is the specific nutrient deficency that I think it is, it isn't unlikely that other deficiencies will follow...

Watering Mix:

8mL/gal BioVega
6mL/gal Rhizotonic
1drop/gal Superthrive

pH of watering mix was 6.57
pH of runoff was 6.67

Pictures attached are of the problem plants. First two are of the one plant with the less advanced spotting, the second two are of the plant that is developing sever problems. I've spent a long time in the Plant Problems thread, and this is what I've come up with...sure hope things turn around! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so confirmed nutrient deficiency. Not sure about the specifics, frankly, I don't care. I'm just happy everything's back on the right track. Some of the middle to lower leaves of each plant were beyond the point of no return and did not recover completely, but the rate of growth has doubled in the past two days since feeding, and the new growth looks green and as healthy as could be. You can see in the third picture of the one plant not LST'ed, the lower leaves died completely, and some fell off while I removed the others. Sorta looks like an attempt a lolly popping... Since the picture was taken I decided to go with LST on the tall plant too. I gave her the first stake down tonight. I also tied down two of the others for the second time. I was really worried there for a while! It's really comforting to know that I have everything under control again. bongsmilie



Active Member
It looks as though the leaves are curling down and one is brown on the end, I think that you may be over-fertilizing.


Well-Known Member
It looks as though the leaves are curling down and one is brown on the end, I think that you may be over-fertilizing.
id want to agree with you, but those pictures were taken after only one 1/2 strength feeding that I did in response to a really bad nute deficiency. im gonna keep my eye on em and see what that browing does. some of the browning on the lower leaves that you see is from the initial nute deficiency and was present before any feeding. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm finally back and posting again. It's been a pretty busy week for me with Thanksgiving and all...I was off visiting the family, so I had to leave things be for a little while. Last Tuesday, before leaving, my new door came into Home Depot. As you can see, I drilled an exhaust port in the top corner and two intakes at the bottom. I installed vents on the other side of the door to make it look cleaner when it's closed. Also, I took two small sections of ducting and installed them on the back of my intakes, bending them upward to prevent any light from entering down there. Now I don't have to leave the door cracked, and everything is completely closed off from the outside. Temperatures are steady ranging from 76-86 over the course of the day. I'll post some updated pictures of the kids in a bit. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
As I said before, I was away from the grow for some time while visiting my family for Thanksgiving. While away, my buddy was supposed to give 'em a watering and make sure everything was ok, but the key I gave him wasn't working for some reason, so they were left all alone for over 5 and a half days. I expected them to either be really dead, or really big, and it turned out to be the latter! Seems like they grew a whole lot since I left them. I did another tie down on all of them as well. Right before I left last Tuesday, I watered with a mixture of 12mL/gal BioVega, 8mL/gal Cannazyme, and 1drop/gal Superthrive. That was a slight step up in concentration for the BioVega. I wanted to see if I could cure that deficiency once and for all. From what it looks like, that really did the trick. Things have really greened up. Last night, when I came home, I watered with just pure water.



Well-Known Member
Well, it's been quite a busy holiday. It has almost been 4 weeks since my last post...wow. I have been out of town some of the time too so, it has been a little tough. I won't be back until tomorrow, so no pics but I can give one update. After the deficiency, I switched over to FoxFarm nutes, and the ladies are looking A LOT better from the camera phone pics I've seen. I have fed once with 15mL/gal GrowBig and tomorrow they will be getting BigBloom and Open Sesame as well. I initiated flowering on 12/18, soI'll also be switching over to Tiger Bloom.

What they're getting now:
FoxFarm GrowBig (Ending this tomorrow)
FoxFarm BigBloom
FoxFarm TigerBloom (Starting this tomorrow)
FoxFarm Open Sesame


Well-Known Member
Back in town for a day... 3 confirmed males, 1 confirmed female. Very, very unfortunate... So one healthy Violator Kush, and we won't be seeing any of the sativa. Everything is ridiculously healthy, though. More to come later... Pretty pissed at my babies right now.


Well-Known Member
:sad:that really sucks dude . but look at it this way, atleast you don't have 4 males . so it could be worse.:leaf: