2nd grow month in 400 watt what u guys think


Well-Known Member
ok so heres my 4 Blue Diesel grown from seed in 00.8-0.12-00.8 soil the 3 days into flower here 36 days old total.
Theyve been topped an al grew 2 main colas ive also FIMmed all the stems and the to colas.
Had a few days of heat stress an my new space may not be as warm as it should be but itll work.
The lower leaves are yellow/browning and the whole plant is a lighter green im thinkin low nitrogen an from what ive read maybe magnesium as theres some yellowing on some of the leaf veins

Any thoughts



Well-Known Member
thanks man u ever hear of anyone using a mh for the 1st week or 2 of flower to keep plants short an bushy local grower suggested i try it but i havent seen anything about it


Well-Known Member
Useing MH for the whole vegging prosess is highly recomended. MH is probably the most popular method of vegging that growers use..but yes u can use MH for flowering to make ur plant a lil more lush but I think the difference would be so suttel that I don't think u would be able to tell much of a difference
that yellowing on the higher leaves looks like it could be a little light bleaching, i had the same with my 400 with indica dom plants. i first thought it was an mg def too, so i gave them epsom salts and nitrogen and they got worse until i moved the light. how close is your light?