2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights


Active Member
did you take this picture just before lights out??? and when and how much did you water them last??
The pics were taken in the middle of lights on, last water was about 1ltr water with trace amounts of organic feed...... its 21 days since they broke ground and no sign of sex or budding, i am getting concerned that these wont autoflower.... :(


Well-Known Member
The pics were taken in the middle of lights on, last water was about 1ltr water with trace amounts of organic feed...... its 21 days since they broke ground and no sign of sex or budding, i am getting concerned that these wont autoflower.... :(
did you buy your autos from nirvana? They are having troubles with theirs...


Well-Known Member
ive got a nirvana blue mystic and it started to flower around day 12ish. i knew they were having alot of problems with their autos not autoing.

James Youngblood

Active Member
DAY 16

Well guys here is another quick one. still running higher temps in the day time been really caught up at work got some time tomorrow will fix them. Shes got some growth to her. sideways and upwards been a good couple days.

Im worried about dallas still hasnt broken soil has been almost 5 days i think...

Ill wait a few more maybe some downward growth..



looking good. hmm maybe mine isnt growing good yours is getting higher mine is just getting thick leaves not much growth in tallness.

James Youngblood

Active Member
looking good. hmm maybe mine isnt growing good yours is getting higher mine is just getting thick leaves not much growth in tallness.
Well remember I have A MH bulb shining down on this little girl I'm sure you just need to amp up the CFLS, how many and whats the K rating?


Active Member
hi james, interesting to see the difference in sizes... im taking my son to the beach now, but when i get back i will take some snaps for you, if you remember i told you my seeds broke ground on the 1st of this month, i germed them on the 27th of jan.... will post some pics for you.... mine still havent shown sex yet either.

James Youngblood

Active Member
Day 17

Hello again grow friends,

Completed my 1st transplant tonight, and I am pretty happy with how it went. I got a little hung up at first but I was gentle with her and kept everything slow and steady. I set her in the perma-home and these next few days I'm going to keep a close eye on the growth in all aspects..

She's looking great I'm hoping we get some more vertical out of her soon because I can see the flowers preparing to form in the main area, and I really want to see her flourish.

The other seed is seriously PISSING ME OFF... I'm just gonna breathe and shake it off.....

Here we go guys enjoy..

BTW. I got the temps down in the box running 78 -81 degrees looking fine!!!

I'd love some feedback hit me up family



Active Member
heres a pic to compare later on, yours will probably go better than mine as there have been ups and downs with mine...


they are starting to smell real nice now too... still no sign of sex though :(

...like your vids too man, very cool :)


Well-Known Member
Looks nice James, almost as tall as lucy haha I knew I did something wrong...
Anyways I don't think I saw sex/prebud till about day 20/21. Also goodjob on the transplant, I was to scared to touch Lucy haha!
Hope we get a vid update on your box since you fixed the temps :D

James Youngblood

Active Member
Looks nice James, almost as tall as lucy haha I knew I did something wrong...
Anyways I don't think I saw sex/prebud till about day 20/21. Also goodjob on the transplant, I was to scared to touch Lucy haha!
Hope we get a vid update on your box since you fixed the temps :D

haha, nothing wrong just did what you wer comfortable with at the time, now like i said next time your plant is going to fucking THRRRRIIIIIVVVVEE


Well-Known Member
haha, nothing wrong just did what you wer comfortable with at the time, now like i said next time your plant is going to fucking THRRRRIIIIIVVVVEE
Yeah Next grow of mine I'll have some more knowledge and be able to do more without asking and asking haha.. CAN'T wait to see how Lucy smokes though because that will just make me want to grow a BIGGER one, Lucy the second? hahaha


Well you must be busy again havent seen you for a bit hope your plants are doing great!!!! Any sign of sex yet?

James Youngblood

Active Member
DAY 22

Just a quick one guys sorry been super busy but any updates better than no update i always say



she looks great!! woohoo a girl congrats. Wishing i could be a little busy lol then I would not be checking mine every hour or so couse its hard to notice the growth when you sit looking at it all day lmao. well be looking forward to your next update.