2nd Grow, Greenhouse Indica H pack, The Church, Whiteberry, Blue Cheese


Well-Known Member
Thanks...everything is getting huge. Here are some new visuals...I started mixing some BMO Foliar Harmony and Flower Power into their nutes and I'm easing off on the Canna Biovega. I haven't had time to measure, but the Pure Gold, and Bagseed are the biggest, def. over 2ft. tall...



Well-Known Member
This morning it became obvious that Bagseed was a male, (no one else is showing yet, but they're all feminized so I'm not too worried). Although he was quite the handsome male, and I wanted badly to keep him as a prized houseplant in another room, I felt the risk was too high. So although it pained me to do so, I cut him down and fed him to the cats. There are now only 9.

We're only 12 days into flowering and I'm already bracing for nute/yellowing problems that I had in flowering on my last grow. I'm going to ease off of the veg nutes as slowly as possible this time around.


Well-Known Member
Nah, that's my Unknown2 bagseed clone from the first grow, it's been flowering since the start of this grow. It is STILL only producing single leaves, and there's some pink in the buds. The male is the one simply called Bagseed in this grow. Turns out I was wrong about tallest plant, right now it's the Greenhouse Himalaya Gold by a few inches, with the G13 Labs Pure Gold in 2nd place...bitches are tallllll, look like they are about to hit 3ft.


Well-Known Member
Alright, today I've got measurements! And they'll probably be the last measurements before harvest because it is really getting hard to get in there, and I don't want to get cat fur on everything, (which happens even if I change my clothes first). So yeah, enjoy: Big Buddha Blue Cheese - 24", Greenhouse Cheese - 15.5", (think I got a shorty for some reason...) Greenhouse Great White Shark - 22", Greenhouse Himalaya Gold - 33", (huge) Greenhouse Lemon Skunk - 23.5", G13 Labs Pure Gold - 29", (not bad for a freebie) Paradise Seeds Whiteberry - 23", (a favorite for treating my migraines right now) Greenhouse White Rhino - 21", and Unknown2 clone - 19". Gave everyone nutes today, a little Biovega, some Cannazym, and a bigger dose of BMO Foliar Harmony, and Flower Power. So far, so good, some of the very bottom leaves have yellowed on almost every plant, but I think that's normal...I hope it is anyways. They look pretty damn happy otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Gave the girls a round of nutes this morning, a few drops of Biovega, some Cannazym, a nice dose of BMO Foliar Harmony,and Flower Power, and some SPT for good measure. Everyone is showing right now, should have little white whisps any day now.


Well-Known Member
Gave another dose of nutes today: Biovega, (still haven't phased it out) Cannazym, Rhizotonic, Foliar Harmony, and Flower Power. I'm trying to get down to just the Foliar Harmony and Flower Power.

All of the girls have their little white whisps out and growing like crazy.

So far there have been no problems with bugs, no yellowing or dying leaves other then the bottom few. Everything looked great until it decided to be 92 degrees yesterday...I have no way to vent hot air out and bring cool air in other than the fan in there blowing on the plants...and the little cracks in the door, which are mostly blocked by strips of black plastic to keep light out. This is not going to be a good setup for the summer, it gets too damn hot in there, it was 100 degrees in there when I checked in there yesterday. This morning, even after being aired out last night, (opened the closet for awhile with the lights off) a few of the plants were wilted at the bottom...not good. I rent so I can't fuck with the closet or put holes in shit, so it's time to save for a grow tent with fans.


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing some yellowing on some of the larger fan leaves on the bottom of some plants, so I gave another dose of nutes today, this time a big one. A few drops of Biovega, a nice dose of Foliar Harmony, and alot of Flower Power.

The Greenhouse Lemon Skunk has now surpassed the Himalaya Gold in height and is now the tallest plant in the grow, it's also the most sativa-looking.


Well-Known Member
Had to start training the Lemon Skunk over today, fucker is too damn tall! It must be at least 4ft by now...should have pics up this weekend


Well-Known Member
I'm already getting yellowing on some big fans leaves, anyone know if this is normal for 5 weeks into flowering?

Pics! Unknown2 clone, White Rhino and friends, and Growroom, (from left to right in the back, G13 Pure Gold, Greenhouse Himalaya Gold, and Lemon Skunk).



Well-Known Member
The cheese is still under 2ft tall, I think I really got a runt here...everyone has some major white whips going on, and several plants are developing some serious white frosting already. The Unknown 2 plant is almost ready because it never really went back into veg when I cloned it. As for the others which started from seed, Himalayan Gold looks like it'll be ready first with Whiteberry and Blue Cheese close behind. 38 days into flowering, and my stash is already dried up from the last grow due to some mold issues during curing, so the end of this one can't come fast enough.


Active Member
hey man looks awesome! Im doing an organic grow as well my first) with White Rhino, Thai S-Skunk, and bagseed. bagseed is older and right now someone has been watching them for 10 days im on vacation and dying to get back! keep the pot porn coming and ill stay tuned...im gonna b making my own little grow journal next week keep it growing!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...this grow definitely looks better than the first, I've avoided the major yellowing issues I was having in the last grow and all of the plants are bigger with the exception of the Cheese.

So, today I took the plunge and got some of the famed and mega expensive Canna Boost, (a small bottle) and I picked up the Flores as well, (1 liter bottle). Things should get interesting from here on out...I'd already given the plants their usual nutes this morning, (Flower Power, Foliar Harmony, and a bit of Biovega) but had to give them a taste of the new stuff today anyways.


Well-Known Member
40 days into flowering today...I'm not sure when to flush since some of the first grow took 63 days to finish. Think I'll wait at least another week. I'm getting some yellowing on the big fans leaves of some of the plants, (2-3) not sure if I'm over nuting or under nuting at this point.


Well-Known Member
Alright, here's some long overdue pot porn:

The Garden, Big Buddha Blue Cheese, Greenhouse Great White Shark, Greenhouse Himalaya Gold, Greenhouse Lemon Skunk, G13 Labs Pure Gold, Paradise Whiteberry, and Greenhouse White Rhino.



Well-Known Member
More nutes this morning, BioFlores, Boost, and some BMO Flower Power, (don't have much left and waiting for a new batch). At least 2 plants are starting to show orange hairs already...yay!


Active Member
Everything is looking good! Looks like nice choices in strain. I am a pretty big greenhouse fan. Did you veg on 18/6? I have heard that fem seeds cant take 24 hr light because it is unatural and stresses them. Keep up the good work. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good! Looks like nice choices in strain. I am a pretty big greenhouse fan. Did you veg on 18/6? I have heard that fem seeds cant take 24 hr light because it is unatural and stresses them. Keep up the good work. :peace:
I'm trying to narrow down my favorites and medical strains, we'll see if I'm a Greenhouse fan soon enough...I grew Himalaya Gold on the first try, but it definitely didn't reach it's potential, the one from this grow is already more than twice as big.

I always veg on 18/6, I'm trying to keep conditions as close to natural as possible...with light and nutes/soil anyways. The more organic, the better.