2nd grow going wrong. Need help identifying problems!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What nutes and how much are you using? Some of the leaves look heat damaged. Double check yourself on the basics, otherwise they look great and if there is a big problem brewing at least you're catching it early!!!!

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
While the 83 degrees is a little warmer than the optimum 75 degrees you should be aiming for, I doubt it's heat stress. This is clearly nutrient burn. I'm suspecting too much Nitrogen. Based off the color of your leaves. I would do a soil flush, back off of nutrients for the next week or so and do water only until you stop having these problems.

A soil flush is simple. Just take your plants to the nearest utility sink, bathtub, or patio near a hose. Whichever is your preference for using. Run water at a good rate through the soil, being sure to turn the plants 45 degrees and rotate them slowly so that you can get all angles really well, and then allow all that runoff to drain before putting them back in your room. You should notice that overly fertile water will most likely have very dark runoff water at the bottom as you begin flushing, fading to more of a clear color as you get those nutes out. This is a sign for you as to when you are done. I've flushed anywhere from 5 min to 15 min. It really depends whether it's a liquid nute you're flushing out, which takes less time. Or maybe a granual/powder which takes a lot longer.

Hope this helps!


I'm using fox farm notes. Gb, bb and tb. Started with 1/4 strength and went to 1/2. I'll give it a day or so before trying the flush.