2nd grow... GNATS everywhere!


So obviously, there are a hundred different ways that people will tell you to deal with them... But somebody who knows the best way and the least expensive... Help! Is the sm-90 stuff the way to go? I have tried mixing the 3% hydrogen peroxide in, but I dont think I put enough in- was a little reluctant to make my plants fizzzzz....

What I have done-
Added another fan blowing in cross direction so they can't lay eggs
The sort of peroxide attempt
Organic Neem oil spray on the soil

None of these are working. I know the humidity is too high as well- working on a dehumidifier. What else can I do?

Other details-
12 plants in ff... Just switched lights to 12/12 a week ago. Using dyna gro/bloom nutes in next watering- this past one was ph'd water with the hydrogen peroxide mixed. I used a variety of planters to see the effect of pot size as it relates to plant size. I will be using only the garbage cans with holes drilled next time- because the stems are 4x the size of the plants in the 14inch round pots. All of the plants have been topped. My original intent was to do a scrog, but I ended up with too many plants taking up space- so next grow will be less plants in the bigger containers. ;)

These seeds were planted on Christmas Day. My first grow had a very long flowering period, but I have switched from a cabinet grow to a "bathtub" grow because the plants I had in the window (had tio many then too and rather than tossing them, I put them in the window and wished them luck). Even with no supplemental light I had a higher yield on my window plants than the ones I had in my 6 ft grow cabinet with more than the recommended (despite the fact that it isnt the best light source) of cfl bulbs. Hence- why I decided to merge the two and use the well positioned window :)

Advice? Admonishments?


Well-Known Member
Holistically cinnamon works and isn't harmful to your girls.. Also fly traps everywhere and don't water for a bit let them weep even then only slightly water.. Try to break the cycle

Over watering is the most common source of gnats


Well-Known Member
I've come to the realization that gnats just thrive everywhere down here so every few weeks I give them a dose of vectobac and have not had any issues since.

Some people also use sand on the top. That's meant to help. I've tried this stuff called gnatmix before and that helps. But a dose of vetcobac and they are gone.


Well-Known Member
Yep, let them dry out completely between waterings, yellow sticky traps and try using azamax. This is how Ive always dealt with them and have had success.


I had a bad issue with gnats on a grow. I took some water and soaked a cpl mosquito dunks for a dy or so then next watering I used it. Then I put bout an inch or so of sand on top. After that when I watered I would set pots in a pan with the water and let them wick the water up from bottom. That way the top soil stays dry, and the roots are in bottom anyway.
The mosquito dunks will kill the ones in soil and the sand will keep the adults from getting down in soil to lay new ones.
Not saying this is the cure all, but it worked well for me and it's cheap and easy. You can also put a few slices of potato on top of soil and the larvae in soil will go to them to eat. After a cpl days just throw away slices larvae and all:).


Well-Known Member
Dust your potted plants with diatomaceous earth to keep the topsoil dry and desiccate any larvae or gnats that land on the plant. On the day you water your plant, add some more diatomaceous earth to the soil again. This works especially well for a severe gnat problem (as well as a few other insects like whiteflies, blackflies, and other flying insects).

An excerpt from Martha Stewart living magazine, and we all know Martha grows trees!


Thanks so much guys! Finally got it under control with neem oil and using mosquito dunks with the hanging traps. The ladies are all coming along well. Already have a bunch of cloudy trichomes, so I'm guessing that my timeframe on my first grow was extended (took FOREVER!) because it didnt have the benefit of the natural sun light from the window like this time. Same seeds, so thats's all I can figure as far as why these ladies seem to be maturing at a much faster rate. image.jpg