2nd Grow-Fixed Grow Box New Plants Check It Out Plz

Ok, so my first grow didn't do well at all. All of my plants died. But it was a good learning experience, and I was able to upgrade my grow box for maximum efficiency and will easily be able to upgrade with more lights when possible. This is going to be my 2nd attempt at growing. I'm fairly certain I have everything down this time around but like always I love suggestions and constructive criticism.

I've germinated my seeds already and put them in pots, they haven't sprouted yet but I assume by tomorrow that they will. Again they're just bagseed and the main purpose for growing these is practice for when I get some really good seeds.

Here are some pics of my new grow set up, and I also bought my first bowl ever over the weekend, its a nice looking Bubbler and it hits nice too. bongsmilie

looks like a good tester! good luck!!
Thanks man. The seeds still haven't sprouted but thats probably because I didn't let them germinate long enough, I'll give them another day or two. The weather over here has been crazy I'm so glad I'm growing inside lol. I think my box is 100% better than before, I'm really excited to test out the improvements on these new seedlings. Again if any of you know any hints or tricks to keeping my plants fairly small without greatly shortening the yield I would be most grateful to hear what you all have to say.
Good shit bro! I recommend LST/top them ladies and bend/tie them in case of height issues. Either way it's a learning experience so have fun with it and remember to keep us posted!

P.S. stay toasty my friend
Today my plants have sprouted. I should have some pictures of them up later today. 1 is looking pretty damn good in perticular, already growing in its first leaf set. The other 2 are still trying to move away from the dirt. I have them running on a 24 hour light cycle until I'm able to start LST and topping them, then a little after I'm gonna throw them into flower.
Hello everyone, 1 of my plants ended up doing very well the past 4 days, but the other 2 not so much. When they sprouted they kinda just sat there and didn't grow for shit for a while. I put the 2 that were doing bad outside and am just gonna leave them there for a while.

1 of the plants had to be pulled, its leaves turned grey idk wtf that was all about but I still have 2 plants going strong now. 1 of the plants that I left outside got so much better and the other one died. The one in my grow box hasn't really grown, idk if its because the lights are too close or what but the one outside is going on its 4th leafset and is small as shit as far as height goes. It even has side growth or something already. Someone please look at this plant and tell me if this is good or not lol and its stem is pretty thin too...


I plan on getting 100 watt equivalent CFLs to throw into my box pretty soon, so that I can put both plants into the box without worrying about light issues. They're gonna both be on a 12/12 and will be topped fairly soon. I'll try to keep you guys posted at least once a week to show progress.
I went out and got 4 more light sockets and 2 6500k 100W CFLs for the grow, definitely gonna make a big difference on these plants. I'll take more pics when I got all the additions set up and running and you guys can look at how my plants are doing. Pretty high right now so I'm gonna relax for the night, let the plants do their thing, and imma set up that shit tomorrow and take pics. Hopefully I'll get as many replies as I do views soon. Don't just look actually reply and give me your 2 cents on my grow.


Active Member
hi uberjoints....good luck with your grow...i had a couple of questions...what are your temps in the cooler like with the cover on? and is that your flowering space too? how long do you plan on veggin?

hi uberjoints....good luck with your grow...i had a couple of questions...what are your temps in the cooler like with the cover on? and is that your flowering space too? how long do you plan on veggin?

Hey Boodadood, the temps in my box are around 82-83 during the day and at night its at like 78. Yeah its my flowering space, I didn't really let them veg I went straight into flower 4 or 5 days after they sprouted. so right now they're in a 12/12.

Thanks for the questions, feel free to ask any more as I go along. I'll have pics up later today. :)
Here are how my plants look atm, not much different than last time. One of those plants have stayed extremely short but is almost on its 4th leafset. I decided to just use the 4 prewired sockets I got yesterday and took the 3 I wired myself out. I'll add them back later when needed. So right now I got 2 6500K 1610 Lumens 100W Cool White CFLs in my box as well as 2 2700K 600 Lumens 40W Soft White CFLs.

Everything is running great atm. I know its kinda hard to see how the plants are doing because of the brightness of the pictures but they're both green except the smaller plants 1st leafset has turned yellowish but not completely. I assume thats because it was outside and I brought it back into my box and is stressed or something.

Anyways tell me what you guys think of my grow. This is my second grow but everything died in my first grow so I'm still a newbie at this. Tell me if there's anything I need or any suggestions or criticism.

ok so my plants are small as fuck now. I know I asked for small but this shit is too small, they're literally the same size as the last time I uploaded pics of them. Any ideas anyone?


Active Member
hi uber...so a couple of things...im not quite sure what your medium is...and i cant really comment on in it cuz i grow hydro but i would check your pH and moisture levels and make sure that shit is dead on what it needs to be...the plants could be stunted because of pH lockout...in fact it looks like they are pale in green which means they could need some nitrogen...i would flush the root system out with plain water and then add nutes and keep checking pH and moisture...do not over feed or over water...over water and they will be come droopy..under water and they will be come crisp...light yellow on old growth and pale green on new growth is pretty much textbook nitrogen deficiency if im not mistaken

also, if you can, get them under some HID lighting...if the sun is nice and shiny and you can, you may even want to sit them in a bright area of the house where its shining in...a couple of ways to check your lighting is some up the total lumens and divide it by the square footage of your grow space...this is a lumens per sq ft number...the higher the better..i think i read somewhere once that the sun puts out 10k lumens per sq ft on a bright sunny day around ground height...you could do a little more research and look it up too...i do know that working with CFLs you can never have enough...just watch the heat temps in there
