2nd grow first time cloning, need some help


Active Member
Hey all, been a while since i posted on here, but i decided to get some seeds from SoS and got a main order of og kush ... well my luck with them hasn't been good i have one that is slowly growing but is doing better now but one of the freebies i got was a Sleetstack x Skunk #1 which is a reg seed and its growing great! Only thing that worries me since I only have one main plant is if its female. So I decided that i'm going to try some cloning to switch that over and see the sex of. HERE is some pics of my setup and spots that im thinking of taking a clone...
2013-04-05_12-37-11_567.jpg <the plant is about 4weeks old..only about 7.5inches tall had some ph issues off the bat but there all fixed now and its growing like crazy(nutes- using GH flora series)2013-04-05_12-38-09_168.jpg <---was thinking of taking this one towards the bottom right thats about 4.5-5inches long
2013-04-05_12-48-42_799.jpg 2013-04-05_12-48-54_108.jpg<---my homemade cloner bucket i copied from another site that a lot of people have enjoyed

Any comments/help are welcome!! ON an added note I did top about 4 days ago and there growing great just wondering if taking a clipping so soon will cause to much stress on the plant.



Active Member
...just looking for someone thats cloned before and if I should wait till the cuttings i want are a little bigger....


Well-Known Member
I'm speaking only form limited personal experience but cloning for me has always been a breeze. But maybe I have been lucky! I think you're fine. All I have done is cut the branch (used tops before as well - don't know if that's a no-no but while topping, why not?). Then made a 45 degree slice in it, dipped it in rooting powder, and put it in seed starter soil. Wiht that said, I hope to be pulling some clones soon off new grow and realizing that maybe I've been lucky, will be using clonex gel, rapid rooters, and a humidity dome. But I'll tell you, sometimes I think that all of our attempts at being perfect hurt our results. I tried getting all fancy with sprouting seeds to no avail. I went back to damp paper towels in tupperware and had success...


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback.. and ya I still have great success with the paper towel method..*off topic but hoping i can try my rockwool again since i got a dwc bucket but everytime i plant them in the rockwool they never have roots out of the bottom and grow a little but than die... been soaking them in 5.5 distilled water

ill give them a try here in this up coming week


Well-Known Member
that clone is big enough to take right now, thats about the size i usually take them, i dont take big clones like some people do. i find the smaller ones stay alive better for me but ive seen some people take some really big clones so it up to the grower. ive just cut about 10 clones in 2 weeks and the 5 i did the first week are already rooted and put in cups. i dont use anything fancy just a plastic humidity dome i got for 4$ that comes with coco pellet and i use techniflora rootech. it was the first and only brand of rooting gel ive used since i started growing. i figured since it works i dont need to change to anything else.

i used to do clones with a home made bubbler without clone gels and it would take longer to root.