2nd Grow, First post. Join me

The first photo is the Chem. The second is all of them, WW on the left, right and back. Then the fire up front middle, and the chem dead center.. Third photo is the WW, fourth photo is the secret entrance and so on and so forth. Ladies are looking pristine if I may say so myself...
The ladies are doing amazing. They are in week 2 of flower now. The chem has really takin off. It used to be the runt, and now it is 6 inches taller than the WW, which is a month older than it. Started adding some Bud Candy into the mix. Take a look.
WW WW.jpgFire OGFireOG.jpgChemChem.jpg
Alright, so I moved the ladies out of their comfy and closet and into their new mansion. I got a 4x4x6 tent and have it all hooked up, and their loving the extra room.
Now for some questions, and advice, personal experience and or opinions are welcome. I would like your expertise.

I was thinking about going from my 400watt to a 1000 watt for next round, is this overkill in a 4x4 area?
I was thinking about putting 5 plants in there. Is less more in this case?
Would you do it? :)