hey bud i dont wanna rain on your parade especially since i just stumbled upon this grow but...i think you got a male on ur hands. I dont know if your flowering yet or are they just preflowers but in that last set of pics u had, i think i saw some balls. you can let it go as long as you want being that its your only plant, but im almost positive thats a dude

thanks for the input mate . since its my only plant ill let it grow a bit and will find out for sure .i am now on day 9 of flowering .btw a little update , the plant keeps on growing heigher , it(will reffer to her as it untill ill know for sure

) actually grew a inch over night .and i found out my little problem about the fans . i know each pc fan is different from the other ,and i knew people were using pc fansand it works out just fine , but i was positive something is wrong and not with the fan .sooo ....... i called up some dudes , took thier fans , i hooked it up to the current nokia ac adapter , and still no strong wind .i said to myself something is fucked up , i look at the fans , they say 12v or 9v . i look at the old nokia charger , it sais 3.7v , duhhhhhhhhhhthe fan doesnt get enough juice (altho thye did work .. ) . so i found an old 12v laptop ac charger , hooked it up .. and the fan was blowing nicely.i put it in its place and .. and bleh nothing .i realised that the paper i put on my guitar case was pulled into the fan and was blocking the wind . yup .. we need air so the fan can blow it ..i found out a new place for the fan , and the whole plant is dancing with fun from the wind .conclusion , fans need electricity . and to blow air , u need air !

ill post a pic of the pre flowers today , hope they will show better what this the plant .