2nd Grow CFL


Active Member
okie so here goes my 2nd attempt at this , after my first REAL ghetto cfl grow
(u can see here - https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/268863-extremley-low-budget-grow.html )
i pimped out my system a bit , and now instead of two seeds per plant ill use only one, and i added a new light box.

so my system is currently runing at 110W coolwhite 6500k + 30w 2700k
and this time ill use LST fallowing this method - https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/6834-how-lst-low-stress-training-2.html

germination - 3days
sprout - after 2days
vegging - 7 days

no nutes are used yet - i will start using general hydroponics Total Gro and Total bloom(for flowering) in a few days .

i moved the light to about 5 inches from the top of the plant to make it stretch a bit.



Well-Known Member
what do you mean, two seeds per plant - did you mean to say two seeds per pot? I like CFLs generally though I do use HPS also : best wishes on your grow ...


Active Member
what do you mean, two seeds per plant - did you mean to say two seeds per pot? I like CFLs generally though I do use HPS also : best wishes on your grow ...
yeah .. i ment 2 seeds per pot :D

a little update :
i bought GH Total Bloom & Total Gro today , to me it seems like the nutes per Liter of water is quite low .
0.5 ml (gro and bloom only for first 2 weeks in veg) per 1 Liter of water.

hope it will be fine , heres a bit of pics , enjoy . she hadnt changed much well .. only 1 day passed hehe :D



Well-Known Member
Everything is lookin good man, I like your CFL set up

and the nutes should be fine, you want to start a low dose, then work your way up, got any pics of the bottles?


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3466142]Everything is lookin good man, I like your CFL set up

and the nutes should be fine, you want to start a low dose, then work your way up, got any pics of the bottles?[/QUOTE]

thanks man , i made it from a shoe box . :D
ill post today a picture of the bottles after ill come home from college.


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3468241]lol what time is it now where your from? 10:30 pm here[/QUOTE]

now is 03:04 pm .(24 hour clock its 15:04) im from israel , GMT+2 over here .

so here are the pics as i promised with some more plant pics that i cant resist with this lovely cam , nikon d60 , such an awesome cam ..
so not much changed with the plant but u can see the side branches forming up .

i can clearly see the difference betwin this plant and my first grow plant (under a poor 40w CFL) , this one is absaloutly huge .



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, those nutes should do great, that is what i was talkin about with the more concentrated liquid, keep us posted


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3472093]Lookin good man, those nutes should do great, that is what i was talkin about with the more concentrated liquid, keep us posted[/QUOTE]
i think its only looks concentrated because the micro elemnts nutes ,they are mixed with the grow and bloom nute .
that is the whole point of those nutes , so u wont have to mix a bunch of nutes together , they did it for u . so u only need to put
each nute to its relevant growth phase.

update :
well she is now 11 days into veg state.
about 3.5 inches (8-9 cm) .

im a little worried . i want to LST , so i was trying to bend her a bit and tie , and she like stood there , she didnt came back to her original position .
it means the roots arent big enough yet for LST right ?

i added some pics , u can see in one of them she is totaly bent and nothing is holding her .



Well-Known Member
She sould be fine with the LSTing, i havnt been able to get one much, cant believe its been 3 days haha, keep me posted, im lookin forward to this


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3484790]She sould be fine with the LSTing, i havnt been able to get one much, cant believe its been 3 days haha, keep me posted, im lookin forward to this[/QUOTE]

will do , after i get back from college ill take pics . i was trimming her leaves so the light could penetrate the stem more easily , and with each leaf a little tear pour inside me :P
the plant doesnt seem in shock or anything , at least not the top part , its growing fine , but the lower bits , to me , looks like they stopped growing. they are not dead - still healthy green .

looks like this thread is just for us m8 :D

comon u silent viewers post ur commnets :D


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3490023]just dont trim too much man, dont wanna over do it, keep us posted[/QUOTE]

what could happen if ill trim too much ?

day of veg : 16
about 3-4 days after i started to LST .
u can see at the first picture (right in the middle of the pot, very close to the ground)
that this alternate branch is not growing , he grew that much and altho he was very soft and not stiff , i think i forced it too much and now hes not growing . tho he's not dying also .. odd.

i think i wont continue to LST this plant , i dont want to shock it / break the stem .
so now ill let it grow on its own .



Well-Known Member
you can LST her as much as you want, it wont stress her, she will grow into, just wait till she is a lil taller then tie her down again, as for the clipping its kinda unnecessary right now, and too much will shock her


plants look good. the great thing about those CFL light bulbs is the little amount of heat they put off.
you can literally keep your CFL lighting super close, like within a inch.

i dont see any reason to clip her at all. i wouldnt.
best of luck.


Active Member
plants look good. the great thing about those CFL light bulbs is the little amount of heat they put off.
you can literally keep your CFL lighting super close, like within a inch.

i dont see any reason to clip her at all. i wouldnt.
best of luck.
clipping would make the light penetrate more to thhe stem , so direct light to stem would help grow alternate branches. in result ill get more "main colas"