2nd Grow - 3 Rooms: Veg, 400W Aeroponics and 600W Soil


Well-Known Member

To start off, this is an open thread for discussion, tips and suggestions. Now, a little about me. This is my Second/Third Grow depending how you look at it. My First/second grow was with 2 Auto Flower Blue Pyramids in soil, that I moved outside once I started my Passive Hydro which eventually changed to an aeroponics due to a nute lockout. Between these I pulled off 6oz which is good considering the Pyramids were autoflowers (2oz) and that the passive hydro (1ft tall plants) ended up having a nute lockout; that I moved it to an Aeroponics tub disrupting the roots and slowing/decreasing the flowers. It was a good learning process.

The Rooms - In a unheated insulated garage over winter

1 -Veg room (2'x4'x2') 6 CFL 100W lights and a t5 grow light.
This room will be for starting the clones to fill the aero and the pots, then will likely be starting to flower when the other rooms are full just to pull a little extra smoke

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2 -Flower Room #1 (2'x4'x6') 400W HPS
This room will have my 6 site (5" net pots) Aeroponics tub.
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3 -Flower Room #2 (2'x8'x6') 600W HPS
This room will be my 6 pot soil room. These should be from clones approx. 1-2 weeks a part in age. I will be testing out using the water from the aero res to water these girls (ill be adding half strength nutes to even out some od the nutes lost in the aero) , and at least once a week watering with plan old water. Ill also re-pH to get water around 6.2-6.8. The soil I will be using is a cheap soil purchased from walmart @ $3 for 15L. I will be using 4 bags (60L) of this soil mixed with 6L of perlite, 1cup Dolomitic Lime, 2 Cups of Bone & Blood Meal.
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Preface Info

I will be re-vegging my Ceres Skunk and my Nirvana Bubblelicious, both which are female. The KC Brains Northern Light Special will be grown from seed.

KC Brains Northern Light Special

The Northern Light Special is great for indoor growing, but can be grown outside as well. It is the strongest variety of the world. This strain is short and compact. A lucrative plant for indoor growing with a nice sweet taste.

Inside flowering 6-9 weeks
Height. apr. 90 cm yield up to 160 gram

Outside flowering 8-11 weeks
Height: 200-250 cm yield up to 750 gram

Nirvana Bubblelicious

Bubbelicious, also known as Bubble Gum is a medium tall, usually not too branchy (sometimes stretchy) plant, producing compact, crystal covered buds. Originally the Bubble Gum was developed by growers in Indiana, USA. From there the genetics moved to New England and eventually Holland. lt took many generations to finally produce this stable Bubble Gum, with the characteristic, sweet smell (truly resembling a typical bubble gum taste) and euphoric high; the original trademarks of this famous strain. The only inbred strain (no F1 hybrid) in the Serious menu. Winner of two awards in the High Times Cannabis Cup of 1994, a 2nd place in 1995 and again a 2nd prize in 1999, giving Bubble Gum a total of 4 awards from the judges.
Plant height: Short Plant
Stoned or high?: Stoned INDICA
THC level: High THC
Flowering Weeks: 8/9
Yield : 300/400
Harvest Month: 10

Ceres Skunk

Ceres Seeds` own version of a good old Skunk. This variety is also a great choice for beginners because of its stability and persistence under almost any condition! Skunk isTHE original Indica x Sativa hybrid! Herbal, musky, and sweet. A nice & stoned smoke.
Flowering: 45-55 days, (Mid. Oct.)
So I'm in approx my 12th day in veg.
Nutes are sitting at ~800ppm and ph is being adjusted to 5.6 when it bounces up to 6.2. i have not done a res change yet, and feel they are doing just fine with out. Root growth has exploded, especially on the reveged plants.

The nirvana bubblelicious and the Ceres skunk are both just starting to pop new veg growth (these were reveged from my last grow, I didn't make cuttings for some dumb reason). The two northern lights are doing fine, actually took a cutting from one to make a clone, the other (which is probably only 8-9days old) is just hitting its 4th node (super tight node spacing a, maybe only 5mm apart); still to small to make a cutting form. My biggest of the new seeds I planted which is actually a auto blue pyramid crossed with a bubblelicious male from my first grow (purposely bread them together) has produced two clones. Everything is moving along nicely.

(Sorry for the HPS lighting)
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[From Left to Right] Ceres Skunk (revegged), Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid cross (two cuttings), Northern Light Special (cutting made), Bubblelicious, Northern Light Special (smallest of the 5)

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Clones: Two that are together are the bubble x blue cross (taken 3 days ago), and the back one which is alone is from the Northern Light Special
Changed the res on day 15, this is the second res change. I have stored the water, to use as water for the soil portion. As for the plants, 2 of the clones started showing roots out of the rockwool, both are of the Auto Blue X Bubble. Moved one of them up to the aero, and the other is transplanted into soil. This is good because it looks like winter is finally hear as we hit -20C/-4F outside, it will help having the 600W HPS for the extra heat inside the garage. So far it hasnt really dipped below 11C/51.8F inside the garage, with some slight help of a Mr Heater Propane heater.


Took a few more clones as i wait for the revegged girls to start putting on leaves. They are both revegging beautifully.
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Should have took this with the HPS off, but the roots are very white.
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The Clones I have, plus the start of the soil project.
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Update: Cleaned the res completely, and repossition the plants so the smaller ones are in the center. A few of the clones have sprouted roots, and have been moved into solo cups. Also i found some seeds from my last grow of some Ceres Skunk that i crossed with the a Bubblelicious male. I sprouted them and planted into soil. My theory is that half my plants might be males, and if this is the case all my clones are male. This way im a head of the game if thats what i find when i start to flower.

Now for the good stuff. The stuff you guys come to drool over.. the pictures


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Completely Cleaned Res

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1. Nirvana Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid

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1.1 Nirvana Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid
(Clone thats been in for about 5 days)

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2. Nirvana Bubblelicious

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3. Brains Northern Light Special

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8.Ceres Skunk (Revegging)

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10. Brains Northern Light Special

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The Rearranged Plants.

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Side By Side of what i have for clones and a couple new from seed.
4. Ceres Skunk x Nirvana Bubblelicious
5. Ceres Skunk x Nirvana Bubblelicious
Update: About 5 days ago i noticed the plants leaves were clawing and some yellowing, after some changes, i figured out the issue was with the nutes, I was feeding too much, with PPM of 750. I have since reduced the nutes too about a PPM of 550. Now the leaves dont feel so clothy, the roots have gone from a clearish light brown to atleast 75% bright white. Also the pH was jumping around, and now it doesnt drift as much over the same period of time. Lesson learned.

Ive also flipped the lights to 12/12 in Room #2 (Aero). Im still going to continue my Veg nutes for the first week or 2, then switch to flowering nutes. Some of the plants (The clone, one of the revegging) are a little smaller then i would have liked, but my #1 is getting to BIG. I figure that the plants may double or even triple in size from the flip. If i dont flip now, i may end up burning my fastest growing plant. Did i mention that my #1 also showed pre-flowers the day before? Well she did.

Also i started to cool down outside (-20C/-4F) so i started running the 600W light in Room #3 (Soil). Temps have been nice and warm inside the garage (10C) and even nicer in the Aero Room (14C-24C). I moved all the rooted clones into this space, with the light at the max highth. This way the girls can get use to it. I'll slowly lower the light until it is aprox 18" away.


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Room #2, just flipped, the two plants on the left are the biggest.

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Picture of the Clone Runt

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Picture of Room #3
Nice, Man!

This grow I messed up (not a big deal) but I stopped nitrogen at day one of flip. I should have gone at least to week 2. Good call on continuing veg. Now I am seeing yellowing a little too early... about a week early, lol. Hope you have a nice harvest. I am looking at Dec 22 ish
Update: Day 8 of flower and i did a res change. I started my bloom nutes. PPm is about 550, Ph of 5.8. Tied back some of the plants to allow more light below.


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Aero Room. I have to tie back some of the plants to give light to the smaller guys (note to self, grow the exact same clone in aero next time, not 6 different plants and 4 different strains.

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Start of some flowers on the biggest girl, from the pic above

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Soil Room,Still in Veg.
Update from Dec 3, 2013
Flower Room #2 (Areo)-=-Total Days: 44-Flower: Day 13


Aero Room: Day 13 12/12 - A couple of days ago i took the smaller clone of #1 and moved it to soil. It was far to small and the leaves from the taller plants were stealing the light from it. I just took the whole plastic container and planted it directly into dirt. Also i believe that the #10 Northern Light Special is a male, ill give it a few more days to develop and chop it if need be. #1 my own creation the Nirvana Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid (which thankfully skipped the auto trait, but hopefully has the combo punch of the two previously smoked plants) is a towering beast. Ive also done some slight pruning on the leaves of some of the plants which i could tell were struggling to get some light. As a rule of thumb i try not to do this, but the small bud locations are likely going to stuggle to develop and i felt it best to allow for some good air flow.

Soil Room: Still in veg 20/4 - All plants are looking healthy. Nothing really to report on this end.


Aero room with one plant removed, notice the plant int he back right corner, thats #1

#1 Nirvana Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid, buds starting to form nicely

#10 KC Brains Northern Light Special-What i believe to be male balls developing

Soil Room-Consisting of:
6 x #1 Nirvana Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid
1 x #4 Ceres Skunk X Nirvana Bubblelicious
1 x #5 Ceres Skunk X Nirvana Bubblelicious
1 x #10 KC Brains Northern Light Special
1 x #3 Brains Northern Light Special
1 x #8 Ceres Skunk
(Also have 3 more small Ceres skunks in solo cups sitting in the clone room, and 3 of the #2 Bubblelicious that i cloned from my revegged girl in rockwool [clones taken as of Dec 1])

600W HPS on
-+-Total Days: 50-+-Aero Room: Flower Day 19-+-Soil Room: Flower Day 1


Girlfriend complained about the smell when she parked the car in the garage. so I ordered Ona Gel and it just came in, seems to be doing the job already, ill let you guys know in a few days. Plus as the soil room goes into flower, the smell will get better, or worse, depending who you ask. lol

Aero Room: Flower Day 19 - Not much to report here, Plant #1 is flowering beautifully and the rest of the plants are starting to show flowers now.
Soil Room: Flower Day 1 -A couple of days ago I noticed that the girls are very dark green and the leaves are semi-cloth like. I believe its the start of too much N. When I made the soil mix, which is very basic (just used bone and blood meal, its start of winter and didn't want to look suspicious buys, manure and worm castings plus I figure I could supplement with veg fertilizer) I think I added too much blood meal and bone meal (I eyed it, very poorly I might add). Being that blood and bone meal slow release, it would likely get worse before it gets better. So what I did was to transplant 3 plants (2x#1 and a #4) and knock off about half the dirt and re-add more soil mix that has no fertilizer in it to the mix. In the process I removed about 3/4 of the roots by accident. Its been about 2 days since and they seem to be coming along nicely.

Other then that ive flipped to 12/12, I was hoping to wait until the 20th to keep it a full month apart, but the girls want what the girls wanted. Also moved 2 of the smaller girls back into the clone/veg room. I have 8 plants sitting in wait until the room above clears out, then I can move them to the aero spot, although for ease im likely going to just go full on soil for the continual grow.

Also to stop the messiness due to growing in the middle of winter in a garage where moisture and humidity is a big concern ive developed a watering technic. What I do is take a large Rubbermaid trash can, and place a fire grill over it, then water until water goes through. I then collect this run off and take it inside and dump down the toilet.


No pictures of the girls, just my setup of the watering
-+-Total Days: 53-+-Aero Room: Flower Day 22-+-Soil Room: Flower Day 4


Smell is getting more pungent, ive now spread the Ona Gel out on a pan to increase surface area, and hopefully mask the smell.

Aero Room: Flower Day 22 - The rest of the girls are now showing the start of there flowers. Im really digging my #1 Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid it looks miles ahead of the rest, it did not auto flower, but it does seem to have a hyper active flower cycle. See the pictures below for what I mean.
Soil Room: Flower Day 04 -Again, the #1 seems to be leading the pack since the flip, the start of plenty of hairs at the bud sites has began

Pics/Bud Porn:

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The Hydro Unit - The #1 is at the far right, the tallest and the furthest into flower

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#1 Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid

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#1 Bubblelicious x Auto Blue Pyramid

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#8 Ceres Skunk (Revegged)

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#2 Bubblelicious (Revegged)

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#3 Northern Light Special

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Soil Room
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Pano of the Soil Room
-+-Total Days: 65-+-Aero Room: Flower Day 34-+-Soil Room: Flower Day 16


Getting closer and closer to some trim, i feel like my #1 in the hydro will be done in about 1-2 weeks. Hope things hurry along, one of my vegging girls is looking ready to swith soon, and im running out of room. I have 5 plants in the veg room sitting in 3gal containers, and 7 in solo cups.



Cloning/Veg Room

Soil Pics

-+-Total Days: 83-+-Aero Room: Flower Day 52-+-Soil Room: Flower Day 34


Aero Room: Flower Day 52 - Started to have some issues about a week ago with the #1. Leaves started getting some brown spots and yellowing and falling off. Top buds started drying out. So I cut any buds off that had lots of dead or dying leaves, and started curing them. (Its been curing for about 5 days and ive got about 14g) Roots don't look so great. I cut off about 2/3 of the roots (might not have been a good thing to do). Im pretty sure that I had a mag deficiency. So I bout some Epson salt, emptied the res and replace with straight water. Ive been spraying the leaves as of the last few days with Epson salt and water. Also moved one solo cup #2 in soil and a #8 soil up to this room to start flowering as I suspect these girls will be coming down in the next 2-3weeks.

Soil Room: Flower Day 34 -Purchased a new 400w MH lamp and threw it in this room. Reason I did this is that because of the length of the room, (8ft) I figure the sides weren't getting enough light. Also it will add a wider spectrum and ive heard that the MH will help with more resin glands. The original #1 that was moved from hydro into soil started showing the same signs as the hydro units. Also noticed that the stems were red. Other plants also with red stems. So started using Epson salt on these girls as well. Also moved 3 other plants into this room. Wanted to get a start on the flowering perpetual. Plants will start going into the rooms at a rate of 2 plants or so every week or 2.

Also I mounted the fan to the roof in the soil room to allow more room along the bottom to squeeze a couple more plants in.


Hydro Room

Clones of #4 some solos and started some White Widow x Big Bud (4) seeds I got, plus Big Bud XXL (2)

The two lights Im running in the soil room

Picture of all the girls in the soil room, They are looking great

Pictures of how the leaves look on the #1 plants (this is how the hydro started out looking and how the soil is currently looking)

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Buds from #1 in the soil room. Tons of crystal forming


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-+-Total Days: 93-+-Aero Room: Flower Day 62-+-Soil Room: Flower Day 44

Had some problems last weekend. I watered the girls (3gal and the 1gal containers) before i left to a friends for a weekend. When i got back one of the girls had a lot of dead leaves, container completely dried up. I immediately watered and about 25% of the plants leaves responded. I had to cut back a fair amount of the dead leaves and all the bud that had dried out. Saved for some hash. The rest i left on i wanted to see if she would bounce back. The leaves that survived were still pretty beat up. I decided i would just cut her down now.

Also one of the aero plants i cut down because she was looking crappy (from all the bonzi root trimming i did)

All and all its been a sad week. Im guessing now that the aero thats left will likely be done at the same time as the soil (all the shock its had on the roots) Ive been supplementing on the nutes with a foiler spray and they seem to be responding nicely. Probably got about an 1.5oz from the two girls.
Just a quick update of some pics. All the girls look basically the same so i just snapped a pick of 2 of them, plus some hash i made and a close up of the bud.

Picture of the girls

Look at those crystals

Hash i made (first go at it ever): 160, 73 and 25micron
I know its been some time since I updated, and i doubt anyone is following this thread, but just in case and for future reference. These plants are 2.5-3 months in flower, a couple of the Crystal Paradise could use another couple weeks.
So here is the run down.

Big Bud x White Widow
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Crystal Paradise (Different Phenoes)
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Bubble Skunk (personal creation a cross of Bubblicious and Ceres Skunk)
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So I've got it all chopped down, and at a rate of 20% wet to dry weight it looks like ill have about 13oz. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending how you view it, a hermaphrodite that I thought I caught has seeded one plant (nicely played, so many in the tent and only 1). Thankfully it was my higher yielding crystal paradise, also it happens to be from a high yielding ww x bb. Should make some nice plants next season. Sitting about at 60 seeds 3 days into cure. I shook and roughed up the buds just to get most I can.

Bad news, I packed a bowl of crystal paradise then dropped my glass pipe. So no testing of the smoke just yet.
So I've got it all chopped down, and at a rate of 20% wet to dry weight it looks like ill have about 13oz. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending how you view it, a hermaphrodite that I thought I caught has seeded one plant (nicely played, so many in the tent and only 1). Thankfully it was my higher yielding crystal paradise, also it happens to be from a high yielding ww x bb. Should make some nice plants next season. Sitting about at 60 seeds 3 days into cure. I shook and roughed up the buds just to get most I can.

Bad news, I packed a bowl of crystal paradise then dropped my glass pipe. So no testing of the smoke just yet.

Wish there was a dislike button for broken pipes. That sucks man. The worst is having it on your lap in a car... forgetting and then standing up to get out of said car.... <Broken Glass Sounds> DAMNIT!!! lol.

I thought if a plant hermied on you and made seeds then all of those seeds were just about guaranteed to hermie as well. Is it pretty dank? Do you notice any loss in potency or anything from getting the plant seeded?
Wish there was a dislike button for broken pipes. That sucks man. The worst is having it on your lap in a car... forgetting and then standing up to get out of said car.... <Broken Glass Sounds> DAMNIT!!! lol.

I thought if a plant hermied on you and made seeds then all of those seeds were just about guaranteed to hermie as well. Is it pretty dank? Do you notice any loss in potency or anything from getting the plant seeded?
Just happened to try some today, only been curing for 6 days, and the high was incredible (if its true they lose potentcey I could have had a premo pheno). From my understanding there are two ways to make fem seeds, silver nitrate spay and stressing a plant into herming. Herm traits will only show when tha plant is stressed (a few of my girls were transplanted from soil to hydro, and one must have had too much root damage).

Way I see it is that if my next girls stay healthy I should have no hermaphrodites.