2nd Grow - 2 x Sweet Dwarf. Feminised, Auto-flowering dwarfs. 125w cfl


hey guys, well germination was successful on both my seeds and Gladys and Cynthia are alive

i have set-up my grow area - same as last time

peace (pictures as soon as surface is breached)


hey guys

so it's been a month and both my Sweet Dwarf's have come along exceedingly well

both have 4 tiers of leaves with their 5th protruding and am attempting my topping of both.


it is also worth noting that on this grow (contrary to my last0 is that the light is at a constant height above the plants (which has made my babies a lot longer nd taller than my last as the light was always 1ft away at all times)

I am not planning on moving the light until it is really necessary (although this may reduce height and yield etc) but my topping tomorrow should counter-balance this


ok I have topped gladys today (the slightly taller one) and i plan on pinching Cynthia seeing as her 5tier of leaves are a bit developed to top.

this should give me a rough idea as to which technique works best or even just for a bit of variety ;)


29th (Day 42)
Flowering stage can be seen in white hairs and calyxs emerging.
IMG_1082.jpgGladys (topped - where black spot is point of topping)
IMG_1083.jpghave left Cynthia untouched to see the difference in method of topping :D
IMG_1081.jpgThe girls



4th Feb (Day 48)
quick update to show vast improvement for a week :) these girls are rapid

comment etc xx


IMG_1094.jpgDay 50 (5th Feb)

Day 52 (8th)IMG_1097.jpgIMG_1096.jpgIMG_1095.jpg doin really nice progress of flowering stage has extended. Full white hairs and calyxes, a few more tiers of buds will grow then budding will occur soon :)

comment etc

~Peace xx


Day 57 (13th Feb)

loving the progress of Cynthia and Gladys,

can really see the difference in topping (left) and not. will see the value of such techniques in the yield which should not be long now (the seed bankl recommend harvest in like 2 days, but this is insane as budding and thc resin has not even appeared yet.

i'd estimate harvest in approximately 3-4 weeks.


nice grow u got goin there, i have a sweet dwarf growing & am wondering why its got so tall since its sposed to be a "dwarf" i guess its normal....but from other pictures theyre sposed to look like the typical dwarfs/auto's...i might have to chop mine coz of the space its takin up +i cant see it being ready in just 4 weeks & tyeilding much atall


Day 64 (20th Feb)

budding has well and truly taken off. Have 3 main cola's each of which is looking really healthy. Watered today with flowering nutrients, same for last 2 waterings, however am concerned as to when i should flush preparing for harvest. I shall post pictures for people to judge. I aim to do it 2 weeks before harvest. Could anyone suggest a date, as Am not positively sure when harvest could be.

Pictures to come in next post




1.jpg2.jpg4th March (Day 78) this is the non-topped one. photo of top cola.
3.jpg4.jpgcynthia hung up. Bad cuttings tbh
6.jpgGladys harvested on the 9th March far better yeild. At least an extra cola or two extra. Think from future i will top and leave an extra week until 80 days if same strain is used.
5.jpgCynthia moved to ehr new dry room
7.jpgwith Gladys

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
im curious about the end result, how many g's off of each? and how does it smoke? i got a sweet dwarf seed stored, currently im growing a sour d and low girl; how was the low girl when you grew it?


amazed by yr pictures - 'allegedly' someone I know is 3 wks into their first grow (c150w CFL) with Sweet Dwarfs. They have been LSTd very severely due to growbox size issues. They could not look any more different to good old Cynthia and Gladys !

Touch wood the plants looking are looking healthy, stubby and bushy - despite major problems with controlling heat (95 - 55F at extremes due to having to grow in an outhouse in winter), which have been working on. first pistils appeared 2 days ago

Hopefully some picts can be added in a day or so.