2nd Grow 194w CFL & Outside Grow **Granddaddy Prup, BioDiesel Mass, Bagseed**


Started out from seed with 4 granddaddy purp & 3 bagseed seeds. One Granddaddy Purp didnt make it past like week 3 so I ordered a autoflower to replace it. I started off using Miracle grow Organic Soil with Miracle grow Tomato plant food & SuperThrive for the first 35 days of my plants life. I noticed that by day 35 each of the Granddaddy purp flowers had shown their sex. I had 1 female, 1 hermaphidite, and 1 male. The bagseed plants wouldnt show their pre-flowers until a week after and I ended up with 2 males and 1 female. At the time I also noticed they were growing new leaves but the old ones would die so I figured the roots had gotten rootbound in the red cups they were in. I went out and got some Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and some bigger pots and transplanted the female Granddaddy purp plants into them. The Auto BioDiesel Mass seed that I had ordered had arrived and had popped through the soil by March 12. The others had popped through the soil on February 15. I decided to try outside for a change so I removed the males and my one bagseed female from my stealth box and took them outside. I planted them directly into the ground and they have finally shown me some new growth. I will remove the 2 males once my newly ordered Auto Cheese and Auto Skunk come in and get germinated. Pics and Updates will follow...this thread was more in depth but somehow got deleted so sorry for the lack of so many details...comment and ask questions and I will respond accordingly. :joint:


Here are the pics from start until now...I also cloned the hermaphidite plant and placed it outside. 2012-02-14_12-37-57_274.jpg2012-02-14_12-38-18_834.jpg2012-02-14_12-38-35_404.jpg2012-02-14_12-38-49_252.jpg2012-02-14_12-38-59_657.jpg2012-02-15_22-34-27_106.jpg2012-02-15_22-34-36_121.jpg2012-02-15_22-36-00_880.jpg2012-02-15_22-44-38_91.jpg2012-02-15_22-44-46_564.jpg2012-02-18_22-49-37_851.jpg2012-02-18_22-49-46_754.jpg2012-02-18_22-50-03_529.jpg2012-02-25_22-54-39_538.jpg2012-02-25_22-54-49_937.jpg2012-02-25_22-54-58_193.jpg2012-02-25_22-55-06_332.jpg2012-02-26_22-58-10_223.jpg2012-02-26_22-58-24_206.jpg2012-02-26_22-58-35_829.jpg2012-02-26_22-58-43_311.jpg2012-02-26_22-59-14_690.jpg2012-03-01_03-29-00_867.jpg2012-03-01_03-29-11_386.jpg2012-03-01_03-29-19_706.jpg2012-03-01_03-29-26_759.jpg2012-03-01_03-29-32_40.jpg2012-03-03_03-10-28_776.jpg2012-03-03_03-10-43_121.jpg2012-03-03_03-10-56_377.jpg2012-03-03_03-11-11_16.jpg2012-03-05_12-20-05_819.jpg2012-03-05_12-20-22_367.jpg2012-03-05_12-20-32_272.jpg2012-03-05_12-20-48_714.jpg2012-03-08_21-02-19_147.jpg2012-03-08_21-02-33_656.jpg2012-03-08_21-02-49_742.jpg2012-03-08_21-03-01_620.jpg2012-03-08_21-03-14_6.jpg2012-03-12_00-04-04_404.jpg2012-03-12_00-04-24_661.jpg2012-03-12_00-04-36_273.jpg2012-03-12_00-04-44_210.jpg2012-03-12_00-04-56_264.jpg2012-03-12_00-05-21_990.jpg2012-03-12_22-40-41_881.jpg2012-03-12_22-45-27_306.jpg2012-03-12_22-45-36_708.jpg2012-03-12_22-45-49_620.jpg2012-03-12_22-46-11_834.jpg2012-03-12_22-46-25_363.jpg2012-03-12_22-46-44_969.jpg2012-03-15_14-28-45_512.jpg2012-03-15_14-28-59_900.jpg2012-03-15_14-29-12_914.jpg2012-03-15_14-29-29_830.jpg2012-03-15_14-29-42_965.jpg2012-03-15_14-29-52_231.jpg2012-03-15_14-30-05_690.jpg2012-03-15_14-30-14_270.jpg2012-03-15_21-42-57_469.jpg2012-03-15_21-43-17_634.jpg2012-03-15_21-43-33_633.jpg2012-03-15_21-43-46_22.jpg2012-03-15_21-43-52_972.jpg2012-03-15_21-44-06_918.jpg2012-03-15_22-00-43_573.jpg2012-03-15_22-00-51_57.jpg2012-03-15_22-00-59_461.jpg2012-03-15_22-01-09_767.jpg2012-03-15_22-01-17_694.jpg2012-03-15_22-01-27_619.jpg2012-03-15_22-52-50_16.jpg2012-03-15_22-53-07_828.jpg2012-03-15_22-53-20_110.jpg2012-03-18_17-22-08_287.jpg2012-03-18_17-22-21_836.jpg2012-03-18_17-22-35_375.jpg2012-03-18_20-02-06_336.jpg2012-03-18_20-02-17_360.jpg2012-03-18_20-02-24_938.jpg2012-03-18_20-19-35_660.jpg2012-03-18_20-19-57_716.jpg2012-03-18_20-20-07_340.jpg2012-03-18_20-20-30_959.jpg2012-03-19_09-44-55_548.jpg2012-03-19_09-45-23_985.jpg2012-03-19_09-45-34_761.jpg2012-03-19_09-45-41_440.jpg2012-03-22_13-10-02_80.jpg2012-03-22_13-29-27_65.jpg2012-03-23_18-52-15_94.jpg2012-03-23_18-52-22_488.jpg2012-03-23_18-52-55_111.jpg2012-03-25_10-17-55_413.jpg2012-03-25_10-18-04_485.jpg2012-03-25_10-18-13_217.jpg


My inside and outside grow will be as follows for this year....Inside I will have 2 Granddaddy purp plants, 1 BioDiesel Mass, & 2 Lemon Skunks. Outside I will have 3 Big Buds, 1 Auto Cheese, 1 Auto Skunk, 1 Granddaddy Purp, 2 Bagseeds, & 1 Pineapple Chunk. Continue to check back as each plant is planted this forum will be updated. My harvest is predicted to be in May & September


Took Some pics yesterday and was amazed at the growth in the box. The 2 purp plants are putting on pistils heavy and the hermie may not be a hermie.:clap: The one I topped at 3 weeks has grown alot so i had to lower them to stimulate more growth. The Auto BioDiesel Mass has made tremendous growth in 4 days so I am real anxious to see how my first Auto turns out. I will switch to 12/12 Tuesday Does anyone think it will effect they 2wk old Auto I have?
