2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!


Active Member
update and sad news all 3 bagseeds turned male along with 1 cheese quake, keeping the cheese quake for breeding tho muahahahaha!!!
and i never get lost only enlightened but 4 days later i still have light tracers lol

Td numero uno lookin real nice no sign of sex yet but kid flipped way before me and just got them so i aint trippin gave a seed to an outdoor grower friend who is going to mother it for me so i will hopefully snag up another next grow, gave me 21 seeds of his or his friends creations purple erkle x GDP and kryptonite-Green crack x GDP, gunna be a real purple garden next swing. =)

the one remaining hopefully female cheese quake

indica TD lookin nice maybe showing hairs but cant tell

untopped bbgum

F*&^kin male cheese quake looks like a strong boy tho so a good parent real tight spacing and such, gunna cross it to the TD and the BBGum and see what happens maybe even the c-13

next foto is x rated


topped bbgum

does anyone know why every single leaf on the c13 does this?


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Leaves usually look like that with heat stress or underwatering.... that's all I got man your other plants look fine... so I doubt it's anything your doing wrong... picky genetics?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member


Active Member
damn u verde and your shameless pluggsss!!!! you get punished now where do i send u this deadly strong weed cookie as punishment! muahahaha
not sure about the deficiency tho looks like my plants whene they got burned from the muey caliente soil i was using.


Active Member
Sweet looking update Mac you are gonna have some monter BBG's and your TDs are looking awesome as well,I wish i could have vegged mine longer it would have made a huge difference,But yeah they are very slow to flip but I dont know if it is genetic or just that i flipped to early for her.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
damn u verde and your shameless pluggsss!!!! you get punished now where do i send u this deadly strong weed cookie as punishment! muahahaha
not sure about the deficiency tho looks like my plants whene they got burned from the muey caliente soil i was using.
psh your just jealous of my little TD's ;) you wish you had more! jk ;)

Yeah I thought so too, for the first leaves... but now that the plants beginning to branch, and i'm noticing the spots on new leaves I'm thinking they're lacking calcium.


Active Member
mmm i do wish i had more... but man crazy thing i was listening to DR. greenthumb by cypress hill which came out like the late nighties early 2000's and it says tangerine dream... wtf???
barneys farm just re fueling the TD to the world?

probably calcium maybe magnesium, but i dunno im no expert on deficiencies.

havin trouble deciding on my next seed order i wanna order soon to get the attitude bday promo but im too broke!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Eh I didn't see anything exotic in the promo... I like exotic, because everything else BUT exotic is what I get my hands on you know?

Personally I'm looking at Greenhouse: Super Lemon Haze

I've had Lemon Skunk, it's a wonderfully fresh lemony plant... I could imagine it would fit into the Super Silver Haze like a long lost piece of the puzzle! I see some great grow pics from my buddy nas2007 also.

That and DJ Shorts Blueberry

I'm looking at those two seriously for my next grow... thinking 2 and 2.

I feel you on the it's probably calcium. I imagined so, but my imagination is severely limited when it comes to plant problems :lol:

bookmark this thread for a good reference > http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688


Active Member
figured out aa way to do it so i dont have to buy seeds yay!
gunna start 3 of each the purple erkle xgdp and the krypto crack x gdp that i got
and 4 each of what i get after i pollinate the TD and either c-13 or blueberry gum.
then hope i get at least 6 good ladies.

o and i would love to grow blueberry but his seeds are so expensive, my roomate had the flow and the plant was pure purple stem to top, tasted like a nice hashy deliciousness..... ahhhh i want it!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah personally I don't mind rebuying seeds if they're good....

Just not worth it for me to grow seeded bud.


Active Member
well the plan is to do the method sub posted where you harvest the pollen, then brush it onto like just one branch so only that one gets seeded, then the rest is bueno !!
plus i like to experiment.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
well the plan is to do the method sub posted where you harvest the pollen, then brush it onto like just one branch so only that one gets seeded, then the rest is bueno !!

plus i like to experiment.
Oh thats cool man.

I'd be too freaked out though :lol: pollen is some crazy stuff

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Tangerine Dream: Day 25 - Continues to branch

Pics taken after a generous watering AND some TRAINING, they aren't stressed :lol:, ...watered with 1.5mL MagiCal per Gallon. Balanced to 6.5

The lot:

#1... sativa, or hybrid pheno not sure. VERY tight node spacing on this one! kidgraphix, you see how I'm training this one? Just very gentle, eventual bending will shape the plant.

Indica Pheno

"the retard"

Honestly, I'm thinking of cutting down, "the retard" she isn't growing that well. Very tiny and slow/sickly compared to the others. I'm thinking of chopping her down, and using the rest of the room for the one in the back left that is kind of stretchy... THen just growing them all slightly bigger than initially planned & training them out into the space.

What do you guys think?

They are starting to get smelly in the ambient air. I love smelling them when I'm working with them :)

Bringing the light up a little like twice a day sometimes :lol: they are definitely settled into their new homes ;)



Active Member
ya def gunna have to be really careful! gunna do all the pollinating outdoors so it doesnt get on the others then after i pollinate i rinse it with some foliar water cuz water kills the pollen.


Active Member
and damn looking great verde!

have u seen hobbes's grows where it looks just like colas coming out of the bucket lol
he does that double top too then bends around right around the lip of the bucket.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen them but I want to see them again... hobbes is a cool dude :lol: could you hook me up with a link?

much appreciated me stont.

Rough guess from right now, flower in 10-15 days depending on growth? Maybe a little more. Whatever it takes really is what I'm doing, if they are mature by the time I flip the switch.. then cool beans 8)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
duuuude. hobbes is a great dude. love that guy. reallly knew his shit.

in love with the air floor and that flush ceiling vent! That's gotta be sooooo efficient, and great temps!