2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
tangerine dream in flower? Dude I need to see this lol pics please

I haven't seen any tangerine dream in flower, I've looked all over no one is there yet really :lol: except you I guess.. when did you start them?


Active Member
Germinated on the 29th of December, veg'd about a month under 600w mh.
Now they live under 2000w of HPS in 5gal buckets. I only have 4- one didn't pop.

Fast growers

Some day I'll get around to starting a journal


Active Member
glad to see everyone is being friendly =P !!
Damn verde thats all i gotta say that looks like some ridiculous dankity!! i would take his advice too haha.
ya i should harvest about 2 weeks after kid does im guessing for the bbgum at least. i cant wait to see how interesting this gets in 2 months.

those plants are looking great, our TD's are about the same size but i got about a week left of veg. the sativa one is taking to LST much better than the indica pheno.
that steroid monster looks like its just completely taking over the other bbgum, i hope for your ake it grows up not out!
the 4 top bbgum looks great just like mine.

medimaker- ya they look like they will recover hopefully but i think i broke all the way through the water vein tho, the 3 tops that were ripped are hardcore sagging, like that one top hadnt gotten water in a few days, i hope that it can fix itself. space not really an issue right now for me. my closet is 8'x3 1/2 'x 9' so i will have space for them especially since they are in 3gals.
i will def make sure there are no accidents once i flip the lights to 12/12. i hope i get a good harvest! im just glad i have the monster plant in my roomates room. should get at least 2-3 zips plus whatever i get off the little girls, hopefully a very nice harvest, now i just gotta hope my 5 reg seeds come out female or at least the 2 cq's i reallly want those to be dank.

watering again today with ph'd water gunnna try for about 6.3 or so, but im getting one of those big ass 5 gal jugs from safeway. supposed to be really good water i heard.
would love to see those girls in flower!!!! pics please !!!

hope everyone is good and having a great day!
peace all

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dude my leaves are looking weiiiird... will post pics later tonight to this thread

:lol: definitely 2 indicas 2 sativas now


Active Member
just found a hole in one of my leaves looks like it was getting eaten. but there is no sign of bugs at all as far as i can see, and its only on one plant.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
LOL maybe weird growth?

My one is getting really weird twisty lanky growth.. we will see how this displays itself in the fan leafs


Active Member
hope its ok lol, my retard TD has some weird growth too, and the sativa's leaves are starting to get like thinner.
weird but i think TD may not be a very stable plant. lol
darn you Barneys!!!!!!! o well as long as its dank smoke i dont care!!!


Active Member
DSCN0434.jpgwell guys there it is the first official pic of a budding porn star its the best pic i could get today is day 6 so i am only 2 days behind Medimaker in flowering, the TD is also showing her first flower on top very orangish white will post pic on saturday just so it can get a little bigger and hopefully confirm that it is an actual flower and not just another set of leaves,I have been checking it out with the mag glass and 95% sure its bud .Mac on that hole in the leaf is it by chance on a BBG that was topped? mine did the same thing looked just like a bug had a nice meal but i researched it a bit and found that this will happen occasionally when topping from the additional hormones being redistributed.but on the safe side i also did a thorough check for any bugs and found none except for the asian ladybugs i leave alone as they are predator bugs and havent done any damage other than keep my girls clean of dust or occasional pieces of hair/lint that gets in.


Active Member
Plus they are kinda cool to watch stoned with the magnifying glass as they wander about the leaves looking for pest bugs to eat,free housekeeping cant beat it lol. well everyone thats bout it for todays news tommorow should be a good day new stuff coming in on fedex always good to get new stuff especially the clone machine cant wait to try that out and hopefully get myself set up for perpetual harvesting on account of i hate to go without smoke and really hate paying for it when i can grow it myself although i never do anything illegal right. Later All have a great day

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
hope its ok lol, my retard TD has some weird growth too, and the sativa's leaves are starting to get like thinner.
weird but i think TD may not be a very stable plant. lol
darn you Barneys!!!!!!! o well as long as its dank smoke i dont care!!!
LOL retard, that's an excellent way to describe the growth... though I have had some REALLY weird plants that turned out to be extremely vigorous in flower..

I feel you on the thinner sativa leaves, its like they curl in towards the bottom.. at least for now

My tangerine dream actually had a bit of an amazing smell on it! At only 5 days i had rubbed the leaf and this planty danky cream soda/sweet smell was on my fingers for a few minutes... I was like a kid that just fingered his girlfriend for the first time *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF* *snif* *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIF* ohhh yeah :lol:

o and verde how do i go about getting an fdd2blk piece?
really want oneeee!!!
He has a thread now, called 'blowin glass on my new mirage winter' something or other... look on Toke N Talk within the first few pages. He usually updates that with whats currently available and you just hit him up to buy it.. he has a website too but I think he does better deals to RIU members in person.. so just pm him or find his thread

View attachment 1446315well guys there it is the first official pic of a budding porn star its the best pic i could get today is day 6 so i am only 2 days behind Medimaker in flowering, the TD is also showing her first flower on top very orangish white will post pic on saturday just so it can get a little bigger and hopefully confirm that it is an actual flower and not just another set of leaves,I have been checking it out with the mag glass and 95% sure its bud .Mac on that hole in the leaf is it by chance on a BBG that was topped? mine did the same thing looked just like a bug had a nice meal but i researched it a bit and found that this will happen occasionally when topping from the additional hormones being redistributed.but on the safe side i also did a thorough check for any bugs and found none except for the asian ladybugs i leave alone as they are predator bugs and havent done any damage other than keep my girls clean of dust or occasional pieces of hair/lint that gets in.
Plus they are kinda cool to watch stoned with the magnifying glass as they wander about the leaves looking for pest bugs to eat,free housekeeping cant beat it lol. well everyone thats bout it for todays news tommorow should be a good day new stuff coming in on fedex always good to get new stuff especially the clone machine cant wait to try that out and hopefully get myself set up for perpetual harvesting on account of i hate to go without smoke and really hate paying for it when i can grow it myself although i never do anything illegal right. Later All have a great day
Hell yeah man thanks for the update! Day 6 flower is really if you just flipped the switch to 12/12 but hey maybe your having better success than most... I usually see females around day 7-10.. and males day 12+

How is that recipe for success nute kit working for you?

Ill post pics when this gets bumped again, I'm seeing some definate progress.. The first true set of leaves are getting pretty big, and the second set of true leaves is just starting.. exciting :D


Well-Known Member
I have been reading this journal from the start and is making me itch for my TD to get here. Passed through sorting facility in NY on Sunday 2/14 so should be here ANY TIME! I am in my 4th grow now with 1 bag seed sativa that is almost 4' in the 9th day of flower...IT IS SEXY to say the least...have a nice clone of it vegging. Also have 1 milky way in flowering as well with 4 beautiful clones vegging...great grow and great thread +rep

Teyo Green

Active Member
I have been reading this journal from the start and is making me itch for my TD to get here. Passed through sorting facility in NY on Sunday 2/14 so should be here ANY TIME! I am in my 4th grow now with 1 bag seed sativa that is almost 4' in the 9th day of flower...IT IS SEXY to say the least...have a nice clone of it vegging. Also have 1 milky way in flowering as well with 4 beautiful clones vegging...great grow and great thread +rep
you should post a link to ur grow in ur sig.
or are u not journaling it... ?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Those were some quick replies lols.

just about 3 hours ago they started their 6th day... really starting to kick into growth mode! Probably getting some decent roots going now..

Here is the weird sativa... mentioned before..

Here is my prime plant... germed in 20 hours, first one through the soil [Bottom right] Looking nice and perky.. very tropical look to the first set of leaves, i LOVE tropical 8)

Here is the lot of them, indica phenos on the left... sativa phenos on the right



Active Member
oooo hot damn its getting exciting !!! i got like 5 more days or so till flip so ill be a lil behind but ill be harvesting alot of them at diff times, like obviouly the bbgum first hopefully with its supposed 50 day flower, and on the opposite side got c-13 supposed to be 9-11 weeks damn! lol

i know how you feel kid i smoked through all my last harvest already now i have to buy it and it suxxx, especially since im mad broke.
and agreed on the lady bugs they are awesome but mine were retarded and kept flying in the vent hole on my light and die lol
never heard about the hormone thing but that makes sense its on my topped power skunk, so that might be it but im settin off a lil bug bomb just to make sure
gunna also get some pest-off some all natural pest repellent.


Active Member
o and verde i figured out that my retard td is a sativa pheno too i think, growing pretty quick now that its getting bigger and its bushing out real well for such a tiny plant, im gunna leave it in the red cup all through this and enter it in the party cup grow contest lol.
yours are looking nice and healthy i see what you mean by it bending, that weird that it didnt go straight up more like a dr. seuss start to it haha.
and ill hit fdd up bout that sometime.
has he ever made any tubes? id love an fdd tube lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
he made one.. i laughed so hard at the ladybug thing...

but yeah i dont think he sold it

I'm not sure if I'm going to transplant from party cup to medium pot THEN to 3.5gal... or if im going to plant from party cup straight to 3.5gal...... what do you think? I think it's just kind of senseless transplanting to do 3 if I plan on turning them onto 12/12 when they're small :\

Also are you growing the bubblegum, and c13 hybrid seeds you got free with your tangerine dreams? I couldn't find any info on it it would be interesting to see that :lol: i got those seeds too but I'm not growing them yet... not sure if I will though :\


Active Member
I transplant from party cups to 5gal pots, but I also let them veg in the cups for a couple weeks. So by the time I'm transplanting the ladies are begging for more space anyway.


Active Member
ya i let them start getting roots almost coming out my drainage holes in the party cups , then straight into their final pot.
maybe i can fanegle him to make me one...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah then Ill probably veg it a bit then go straight to the 3.5 gal...

Of course letting them get a nice rootball 8)