2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
thanks fatboy

so i decided to do some trimming of big upper fans, and a few unneeded middle ones. the chem dawg is bushy as fuck and the leaf tips are getting a sick lookin purple blue tint haha. LA is startn to get icy:) ill get some pics of those up tomaarrow er da next day..


Well-Known Member

thats the blue dream, started off slow and weak but is becoming so beautiful, just waiting on her swell.


Well-Known Member
i love the side profile of flowering girls best....the fans dont block the beauty as they do in pics taken from above looking down. :)

takes forever to reset my rep....but i would if i could!!!

cheers bro


Well-Known Member
Rock out! Looking great, brother! I just filled 6 more Pint jars wih some dried outdoor...Picked up another case of 12 Quart mason jars for 6 bucks at wally world!! Man, and I still have 3 weeks on the indoor. I'm stoked, because I'm smoking the outdoor, so that'll give the indoor some good time to cure until I break into it...Or maybe I'll just ad it to the mix... ;)

Anyway, whats good, bro? Vacation! I need one, bad! My lady is asking for Thanksgiving weekend off...