2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS


I mix my ff the same way, also using solubles and molasses. 4 gallons at a time, never had a problem. I don't even start at 1/4 strength. 3/4 then right to full. May depend on strain.


Well-Known Member
I mix my ff the same way, also using solubles and molasses. 4 gallons at a time, never had a problem. I don't even start at 1/4 strength. 3/4 then right to full. May depend on strain.
i hear alot of good things about molasses, i may try it this grow. when is best to start molasses?


Well-Known Member
some people use it throughout the life cycle other use it second half of flowering and others still use it just during flush last week or two of flowering. it wont do em any harm to use it :)


Well-Known Member
much cheaper bought from a grocery store. just make sure its unsulphured molassas and blackstrap is best as it has more in it that the plants can use :)

the products in hydro shops are basically watered down molassas :p


Well-Known Member

the latest. just watered the clones under the HPS with maybe 4ml. Age Old Grow. the party cup and other one wont get nutes for a wile and they got jus water


Well-Known Member
is that ok guys? all those nutes in one gal? i wanted to replace the stay green next time with 2ml of age old grow. as it seems my blue dream wants N pretty bad i noticed this morning. i did kinda fuck up my schedualing though. shuda watered them yesterday morning, but noticed too late so decided to wait till now..


Well-Known Member

Chem Dawg after watering... she shows not one sign of problems, i actually like it. when she does this like 40% more of the plant gets light!