2nd attempt, same problem :(


Well-Known Member
you are describing a magnesium defiency.
mix1 tbls of epsom salt per gallon of water and this will clear it up pretty fast.
If it istn mg deficient, this wont hurt them.


Active Member
i bought some over the counter salt from the pharmacy, took me ages to find one that actually had it in stock.
its in powder form so i add like a third of a teaspoon to a pint of water and gave it a little bit of that, hopefully that'll sort out the problem

thanx for the help guys, hopefully my babie will pull through:)


Active Member
emmm.... its comin up for 6 weeks now, thought they'd be bigger than this by now, but they did sit on my windon shelf for like 2weeks so i guess that might have slowed there growth a bit


Active Member
looked at my plant today and it does appear to be gettin better, the leaves arnt green yet but the appear to be losin the yellow, and its darkin a bit, i swear i can see a hint of green but might jus be me. will put pics up 2moz


Active Member
ive been giving the plant magnesium supllements for a little over a week now, it does appear to be takin the yellowness out of the leaves at the top of the plant, however the leaves toward the bottom of the plant are still slowly diein off.
the 2 proper leaves after seeding are now completely shriveled and its now started on the middle leaves of the three finger leaves.
any ideas how to fix this?

the first pic is before the magnesium supplement was given, and the 2nd is present day.

i have yet to check the ph of the soil, but i shud hav everythin i need by the end of the week to do so, and will start regulating by the weekend.

thanx for all the help peeps



Well-Known Member
hi tezz i still think your ph is too acidic it will all go tits up till ya get that right if your using compost with alot of peat in it will be very acidic


Active Member
i checked the bag, and it turns out that my soil is made from peat.... but i got garden lime, and a ph pen through the post today so can start sortin it out.

how should i regulate ph.
i know i have to test the run off water after watering em.
and that they gotta be like ph6.8 in soil.

what sort of ph should i use to water them with, and should i water at the base of the stem or at the rim of the pot so it can slowly diffuse in?

i will test the ph of the soil in a couple of hours so will be able to update u then. thanx for all the help


Well-Known Member
i checked the bag, and it turns out that my soil is made from peat.... but i got garden lime, and a ph pen through the post today so can start sortin it out.

how should i regulate ph.
i know i have to test the run off water after watering em.
and that they gotta be like ph6.8 in soil.

what sort of ph should i use to water them with, and should i water at the base of the stem or at the rim of the pot so it can slowly diffuse in?

i will test the ph of the soil in a couple of hours so will be able to update u then. thanx for all the help
hi mate
ive got to say changing the ph of peat based soil for me at least would be a case of suck it and see. what i would do to start with is repot them using peat free compost from any garden centre or b+q.
this is just a suggestion i would make up a solution using your lime that measures around 6 and flush your plant through flush them before you repot them or you might change the ph too much
if anyone out there knows better please put us right lol
good luck dude ;-)


Active Member
thanks for the help, i think im jus gunna try and change the ph of the soil, one of my plants is still doin great, so not all is lost. but if they die i guess ill have to start again.
trial and error, at least ill learn from my mistakes


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help, i think im jus gunna try and change the ph of the soil, one of my plants is still doin great, so not all is lost. but if they die i guess ill have to start again.
trial and error, at least ill learn from my mistakes
thats the quickest way to learn lol have ya tested ya ph yet


Active Member
line the inside of your cupboard with mylar. Mylar is a highly reflective material that will reflect about 98% of the light given off back at the plants without burning them, its a must. Also, what your going to do is put a inlet fan on the bottom side of the cupboard, this is going to supply you with fresh air. At the top on the opposite side should be another fan, as an outlet to take the dead hot air out. When the fresh air comes in, its going to be packed with CO2, which is what plants need. As the air is processed by the plants, it will become dead air with very little CO2 content. The air is going to heat because its in the cupboard, and as we all know, hot air rises, so thats where your outlet fan comes in. Dont worry about soil with nutes in it, and in all honesty if you are looking to grow good cannabis, i wouldnt even bother with any miracle grow. Next time you do it, go to your local gardening store, find a bag of good soil and then get a bag of perlite and make your mix. If your going to use nutes, use the slow release nutes on the plants such as bat guano (highly recommended).

You were right about the water, if you leave it out for a 24 hour period, it will distill the water, but if i were you, id go buy the pH tester and then some pH down, or vinegar (both have same effect). pH of water should be around 6 (shows up as a yellow).

When watering your plants, you should be using about 1-2 gallons a week, let the soil COMPLETELY DRY before you water again, if done correctly this will prevent root lock and your plant will be healthy as a horse.

Also, one last thing, if your looking to really boost these plants, get a CO2 setup. If theres any other questions let me know, id be happy to do my best to answer any and all.

Happy blazin fellow botanists :bigjoint:


Active Member
hey all
soz it been a while, had probs wit my com, then the forum went to slow which infuryated me.

ive finally done some ph readings.
my problem plant is ph 5.90
my good plant is ph 6.16
and there being watered with ph 7.04

so i guess there only jus a little bit to low, what ph should i water them with to get em round the 6.8-7 mark.... ph8 ?

thanx again for all the help guys


Well-Known Member
Ideally you want PH 6.5, try watering with PH 7.5 water. You could also just transplant into bigger pots now with reg top soil /perlite mix that should help immensly. Bury the plant pretty deep and the re should be No need to tie the plant to a stake to keep it upright, put an oscillating fan and make the plant fend for itself. This is how you train the stalk to be strong, by making it fight against the wind, just like the outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I used mg african violet potting soil from the start with extra perlite in it. The only problems my plant has had is stupid things i do like over fert, or when i let it get root bound. Either way next grow i'm going all foxfarm


Well-Known Member
how the hell would u want peat moss free soil. all good soil has peat in it...... MG potting soil is good enough. just go pick up a PH test kit. and another 2 foot light..... those 20Wbulbs aint enough mayng. for clones there good kus they cant handle much light....... not hatin tho. just wondering why u givin him advice for peat free soil.... dont make sence.......

also the lights are why its so skinny. and Nodrama got it. put some fans on that lady. get her a lil beefed up...


Well-Known Member
how the hell would u want peat moss free soil. all good soil has peat in it...... MG potting soil is good enough. just go pick up a PH test kit. and another 2 foot light..... those 20Wbulbs aint enough mayng. for clones there good kus they cant handle much light....... not hatin tho. just wondering why u givin him advice for peat free soil.... dont make sence.......

also the lights are why its so skinny. and Nodrama got it. put some fans on that lady. get her a lil beefed up...
potting compost in the uk that contains peat tends to be on the acid side
peat free compost in the uk tends to be neutral
dont most people on this site slate mg compost cos theres too many nutes in it ?