2nd attempt is way better


Active Member
we know each other from another forum. i was telling him about what i had going on and he decided to come say hello.


Active Member
ok so here is the update the last of the live clones has rooted!! pepper and cherry are growing wildly and its starting to look like a lil hedge. i am going tommorow and getting the items needed to make wolfman zens diy bubble cloner. hopefully i can cut some clones for a trial run and get them to root so i can finally sex them

here is the clone from cherry

here is cherry

here is pepper

and a lil group photo


Active Member
I am in the tail end of my first grow (what a ride this is!). Provided I don't royally fuck up, I should have some good smoke to harvest in a couple more weeks. My 30x loupe should be here in a day or two, so I will really get to know where my tric's are at.

At any rate, wanted to drop a note and say nice job! You have me totally stoked to start my second grow this weekend.
Your stuff is looking good and I like the setup..Gave me a lot of ideas for my own grow upcoming.

+1 dude.


Active Member
I am in the tail end of my first grow (what a ride this is!). Provided I don't royally fuck up, I should have some good smoke to harvest in a couple more weeks. My 30x loupe should be here in a day or two, so I will really get to know where my tric's are at.

At any rate, wanted to drop a note and say nice job! You have me totally stoked to start my second grow this weekend.
Your stuff is looking good and I like the setup..Gave me a lot of ideas for my own grow upcoming.

+1 dude.
thank you. i love to sit in with the girls and just check them out they are almost like children lol. i think its way cool to be able to see something new on them everyday. im going to the store today to get the materials to build a cloner and also im gonna change the hood up a lil bit. anyway it should be interesting i will post pictures of everything this evening.


Active Member
hey wooly i followed the wolf mans instructions to a te on my cloner i will post pics tommorow here is the link to his cloner setup
i also adapted his diy carbon filter to my grow as well i had to improvise a lil as wally world only had one size of pencil cup so i used a sonic route 44 cup for the out side covering its kinda ghetto but hey it seems to work i will post pics of everything tommorow i just am ready for bed now lol here is a link to the wolfmans diy filter


Active Member
ok so i havent updated in awhile due to the fact that im a lazy ass! so i have built a new cloner and redone my lighting a lil bit as well. i have also taken the rooted clone from cherry and tossed her in my original rubbermaid tub under 12/12 to determine sex.
here is a picture of my cloner that i built following wolfman zens tut. the three clones in the back are from cherry and the three up front are from pepper

here is a top view of pepper

here is a top view of cherry

here is a shot of the only surviving clone that came of the outdoor plants that werent doin much of shit. we have decided to name this plant deisil riggs. the way we came up with the name is we originally dug this plant up from under the porch it was a seed from a joint that we had smoked that somehow decided to germ and sprout. my buddies dad had sprayed under neath the porch with diesil fuel to kill the grass before this had sprouted and when we dug up the plant it reaked of diesil fuel lmmfao hence the name diesil riggs

here is the clone from cherry

and here is cherrys clone in her 12/12 rubbermaid tub